Crimson n' Camo
Active Member
I’ve found very few topics that folks like to talk about more than the weather. So here is our weather thread. ……. 
It’s so hot right now here in the deep south that the thieves have started putting copper back in the AC’s. It’s almost like cabin fever for you northern guys but in reverse. Don’t get me wrong, I can tough it out and work out in it with the best of ‘em and in some weird way like to sweat..…..but when it comes to doing the fun stuff, it takes a lot of the true enjoyment out of it when the humidity is pegged out and the heat index is in the triple digits.

It’s so hot right now here in the deep south that the thieves have started putting copper back in the AC’s. It’s almost like cabin fever for you northern guys but in reverse. Don’t get me wrong, I can tough it out and work out in it with the best of ‘em and in some weird way like to sweat..…..but when it comes to doing the fun stuff, it takes a lot of the true enjoyment out of it when the humidity is pegged out and the heat index is in the triple digits.