The Weather Thread

Crimson n' Camo

Active Member
I’ve found very few topics that folks like to talk about more than the weather. So here is our weather thread. ……. :)

It’s so hot right now here in the deep south that the thieves have started putting copper back in the AC’s. It’s almost like cabin fever for you northern guys but in reverse. Don’t get me wrong, I can tough it out and work out in it with the best of ‘em and in some weird way like to sweat..…..but when it comes to doing the fun stuff, it takes a lot of the true enjoyment out of it when the humidity is pegged out and the heat index is in the triple digits.

The weather report for today is: GROSS!!! Even my garden is giving up. from 11-5 it is too hot to go outside and were it not for this forum [ and my being able to look like I am working to my wife ] I would be reigned to honey do projects. Hell on earth .

If it is any consolation the temps at my ranch have been well over 105 for the last 6 weeks with no end in sight and we haven't had a rain since May.
I hate the summer with a passion. Sweat, bugs, and snakes. But it wont be long, 50 days until the dove season opener! Roll tide!

I've still got deer flies....I can't even enjoy trying to walk on the walking trail around my property in the mornings for the dang things trying to get me. Its almost like the farther along we go in summer...the more desperate they get. I'm getting straight up attacked.
I hear ya CNC. I'm just down the road from you and it's 100 everyday with just enough rain showers mixed in to keep the humidity at about 90%. Ok, that humidity might be a little exaggerated but that's what it feels like.:eek:
I will tell you it doesn't get much better coming north. Been low to mid 90s for awhile around here in Central Illinois. Probably the only difference is we are catching a lot of those storms that have been sweeping across the country the last few weeks. Our problem is the ground is so beat down right now most of it is running off into the ditches and creeks.
Maybe take solace in the fact you don't install metal roofs for a living like I do. We started at 6 this morning and was able to tough it out until 1. Temp was 100. Job is south of West Memphis, AR. No one forced me to do this for a living so I try not to complain. Much.
The heat is not so bad by itself. Add in 98% humidity and moods tend to go south with everyone. I often wonder how we made it when I was a kid with no air conditioner. Maybe I was more acclimated so didn't notice it sitting in front of the fan.

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Just out of curiosity, can extreme heat kill fawns? Im guessing by now fawns should be developed enough to be able to withstand it
91 with 94% humidity ain't making things up North here real pleasant at the moment. This year I gave up being a desk jockey and have spent a ton of time in the garden. I'm more acclimated to the heat than I've been since I was a little kid. Amazing how much you adapt to it with regular/daily exposure.
I work in construction building two new nuke reactors. This heat has been rough for sure. I will be glad when it cools for a few reasons, work is much easier, deer season comes in, and college football starts again.