The Massey

It's been one of "those" days. The herd snuggles up in a wind break, then sneaks down to the lake to look for water. Haven't seen a single one spend more than 5 minutes at the lake before trudging back to the wind pocket.
Just at the pens. Pasture animals have to make the ponds work.

I really want to figure out a water hole that stays open in cold weather (without power).
Just at the pens. Pasture animals have to make the ponds work.

I really want to figure out a water hole that stays open in cold weather (without power).
I don't know the layout or topography, but would a ram pump work? It doesn't require electricity, and the moving water may keep it open?
I had sticker shock when I priced windmills!

I was actually referring to a small woodland tank for deer. I think if a person was to bury a tank, then cover the majority of it with foam insulation... that maybe it would stay thawed under some pretty cold weather. I'd think the geothermal would help, and minimal surface area exposed to air would help too.
The hay pile should last until this cold snap passes, they’ve been hitting it really hard the last couple of days. The hay getting deer in close for longer periods of time has shown me just how much the deer are still after the acorns left in the background.

My windmill still freezes in this kind of weather.What kind of hay is that? We only got a couple inches but with the wind almost every E-W road was drifted shut until gradercame through
My windmill still freezes in this kind of weather.What kind of hay is that? We only got a couple inches but with the wind almost every E-W road was drifted shut until gradercame through
It’s what’s left of two alfalfa square bales.
My windmill still freezes in this kind of weather.What kind of hay is that? We only got a couple inches but with the wind almost every E-W road was drifted shut until gradercame through
Wind dies down at night too much to rely on a windmill (my opinion). Is your's hooked up to bubbles or something that circulates water?
Took a walk on the Massey today. Cabin fever was hitting hard and the trees needed another coat of paint, the oaks were getting worked some by rabbits too, so we improved the screen situation. No antlers found but the snow and sun wasn’t helping matters any, so we didn’t look very long.
Have you gotten enough snow this winter to help the drought situation?
We’re in a much better place than cat at the moment. I drove through his neighborhood (60-70 miles to the west) a couple weeks ago for a ballgame, and was astounded by the lack of water in the ponds out there still. This has been our best winter for precipitation in 5+ years. Hopefully the rains continue into spring. So yes, in better shape, but not out of the woods yet.