Went and cut winter rye today. This is on the Massey close to ag ground, so I don’t like to let it get to maturity.
The winter rye didn’t look too worse for the wear with the drought.

The clover on the other hand was completely nonexistent. Not one clover leaf on 2+ acres. I’ll be starting over completely this fall. I will kill everything and plant it conventionally. I plan to put in buckwheat in a month or so to put the brassicas in to, but with almost 2 full years now without clover, I’m not sure how anything will do without the nitrogen.
There is a little bit of chicory here and there.

At least the trees are doing better… The kousa dogwoods finally woke up.

The roseyannka persimmon is looking good, As well as the small natives I ordered.

The grated female still hasn’t woke up, but it doesn’t look dead. I’ll call Wildlife Group next week and see what’s going on.

One of the Ozark chinquapins is beginning to look pretty good. The drought has been very tough on these, this is the only one I’ve been able to save.

Looks like the droptine crabapple is gonna get new life. I’ll have to figure out when to choose one of the shoots. For now I’ll let them all grow. Might have to ask your advice later this summer Native.