The Farm - Eastern KY

Thank you all! He’s my first ever with forked tines and I don’t think we’ve ever had one with a forked G4. Dream buck for me.
Thanks again everyone. Our modern gun season wrapped up Sunday. We still have late muzzleloader that lasts a week mid December and crossbow/archery is in until late January.

I’m planning for a late trail camera survey and am working on a list of items for the upcoming habitat season.

Three bucks were taken off the farm this year. Two were 4yo+ and I’m fairly certain the third was three or four. He hasn’t had a right antler the last two years. A friend from work was hunting and he just happened to stroll by.

There are two mature bucks left. One is a stud and the other is a bully with a low scoring 8pt rack. Sadly he seems to have taken over the top spot. Several other up and comers are also still running around. Time will tell what makes it through.
I spent the late winter getting a new food plot created in the bowl. I was able to do most of the clearing with the bush hog, but had to drop some of the larger trees with the chain saw.


It added roughly an acre of much needed food to this part of the farm. I frost seeded clover and planted spring oats in April.
One thing I’ve struggled with over the years is getting buck pictures in various locations around the farm. I decided to follow suggestions of many and add mock scrapes. They’ve been getting action since I put them in and am hoping they produce pictures for me in a month. I have seven spread around evenly.





I was able to get out quite a bit to turkey hunt this spring. The birds acted really weird, which I think was due to an early warmup and colder weather during April. They were almost unresponsive to calls and I had to hunt them like deer. I killed the first one about 15 minutes after shooting a coyote.


I was also able to get all my food plots planted this fall and am looking forward to the rest of the season. There are several mature bucks running around, but I have my sights set on one. I’m hoping to get lucky and am looking forward to the challenge.
I was also able to get all my food plots planted this fall and am looking forward to the rest of the season. There are several mature bucks running around, but I have my sights set on one. I’m hoping to get lucky and am looking forward to the challenge.
You are on a roll with the gobblers, and a very nice buck in camera, this looks like it's going to be your year.
Thanks guys. Mock scrapes seem to be working for getting pics. Now I just need to get more Cuddelink cameras. I haven’t mentioned it in this thread, but I absolutely love the system. I think I’ve got 8 at this point and would love to add more. No need for a cell plan with my setup and the pictures get sent to the home camera setup indoors. Literally 0 impact when checking cameras.
