The Farm - Eastern KY

Some of the oak regeneration. The spot I mowed and cleared didn't have much. I'm going to thin some other areas that are similar to this with the chainsaw that have more oaks coming back and leave the oaks alone. Hopefully in five or so years they will start shading things out.

I also looked around to see how much hard mast has made it through. We had a huge crop of acorns this year. The ground is still covered in some spots and I found one reaching for dirt.


There are five mature white oaks right next to each other where I found this one and there were literally buckets of acorns under them this year. Here's a picture of three of them.

I was surprised to see this guy out and about yesterday. It's tough to tell in the picture, but he's between 4' and 5' long.

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I also found this stump that had lots of sprouts that the deer were browsing heavily. It looks like a white oak stump, but I've never seen one this big sprout like that. Whatever it is, the deer seemed to really like it.

I also frost seeded clover in my plots, bush hogged what standing corn was left and pulled camera cards. Most of the bucks are still holding so I'll wait a few more weeks for post season scouting/shed hunting.
I got more work done early this year on the farm and spent the rest of my free time at the lake this spring/summer. It’s much easier to convince my wife and kids to go hang out at the lake then it is to get them to come work in the woods.

The clover in my food plots held up and I’m planning to reserve a weekend next year for planting. I was able to kill a nice mature buck in my favorite spot the second day of gun season. I’m putting more cameras out after church today to see what survived our gun season.

I’ll try to fix those broken image links and get some more pictures up.
The other main project I worked on last winter was expanding one of my food plots. It was roughly 3/4 of an acre and it is the main food plot in the mountain section of the farm. I have been planting the LC mix in it the past two years. The goal was to expand it to over an acre. I started with a mess because we had a bad storm that took down lots of trees. Thankfully, there was limited damage to oaks with the red oaks taking the majority of the hits.


Many hours of tractor time and eight hours behind a stump grinder led me to this.



It is now almost an acre and a half. I still need to burn the brush pile. I'm going to see how the food holds up over the next couple years before I make it any bigger. I can get it over 2 acres with a little more work. I'll probably bring in a dozer for that though.
The clover and rye came in really good this spring. I was pleased because all I did was frost seed the clover. The rye was volunteer from the fall prior. Planning to plant the entire plot in the LC mix next September.


Turkey season was a success again this spring with two gobblers on opening day. I killed mine high on the mountain late in the morning and my buddy killed his early in the afternoon from the blind. We had about 7 gobblers in the field when he shot his.


After opening weekend of turkey season, the rest of the spring and summer was spent at the lake. My wife and I bought a place at Lake Cumberland and quickly got a boat and put in a dock. My wife loves to go down there and the kids have a blast. I really enjoy it as well.




Back to hunting...
I got the cameras out just before bow season started this year and missed opening weekend for the first time since I started bow hunting. I decided to wait until Halloween weekend to get out. I had three mature bucks on camera and one that I was between 3.5 and 4.5. I really wanted to hold out for a mature deer this year. I killed a nice mainframe 12 in 2015, but I think he was a 3.5yo and shot a nice split brow 10ptr last year that I didn't find.
I hunted weekends from Halloween to the opening weekend of gun season. I hunted a stand some buddies and I hung this year in the newly expanded plot and saw lots of deer including two very nice 8 ptrs. It was nice to see the deer using it.

Here's a pic from the stand facing south. I'm still debating on cutting the cedar tree, but it gives me a little cover.

I hunted my favorite rut stand in the mornings and all day opening day of gun season. I saw lots of deer each day and several young bucks, but didn't see any mature bucks.

Ridge trail heading to the stand:


View to the north from the stand:


This area is surrounded by doe bedding areas and is a really good pinch point between all of them.
I went out the Sunday after the opener and saw lots of movement. Several doe groups came through, but no bucks early. Around 9am a small 4ptr and a nice 9ptr came through pushing some does around. I sat until 10:30 and didn't see any more deer and got down and headed to church.

I was debating going out in the afternoon because the temp was rising and rain was heading in. Both of my buddies that had been hunting different areas of the farm decided to sit out Sunday afternoon. I sat around for a bit after lunch and decided to go anyway. My wife was going shopping and taking the kids so I figured the woods would be better than the house. I got in the stand around 2:30. I saw 0 deer for the next 2 hours. Around 4:30 I heard running behind me and spun around to look. A doe was moving quickly down the mountain and stopped about 80 yards behind me. She milled around for a bit and didn't have any deer with her. I turned back around and quit paying attention to her. Bad mistake...about 10 minutes later she started blowing at me. She would run off a bit and a little farther and blow again. It felt like forever, but was probably only about 5 minutes. I figured the hunt was over, but decided to wait until dark.

About a half an hour later I heard something else coming down the mountain. I spun around and took a look and it was a deer coming down the exact same trail the doe used. I got the scope on it to see what it was and it was a buck. I got the scope on its head and saw the bases and immediately quit looking at the rack :). I got the cross hairs on his shoulder. He was heading for the only opening I had and was moving quickly. I was afraid he would get through it and then head the direction the doe went. As soon as he hit the opening, I pulled the trigger. No reaction to the shot because he was already moving pretty fast. It sounded like a small truck drove into the thicket, but I couldn't see a thing. Then silence....

I felt like the shot was good, but wasn't sure because he was moving so fast. I rushed out of the stand and circled below the thicket he headed into. Nothing...

Finally gathered my composure and headed back to the stand...climbed up...and figured out where he was when I shot. Got down and went to the shot location and looked. Zero blood, but I could plainly see the direction he headed. Took three more steps in that direction and saw him laying there. He only went about 30 yards. The 300 win mag went through his shoulder, jellied a lung and took out the top half of his heart.

I am still pumped. I looked through old pictures and can't find any from last year that I think are him. I got pictures of him twice in early October about 3/4 of a mile from the stand I killed him from. I only have three cameras out, but it's crazy to think he didn't walk by any of them since early October. One of those cameras is on a small food plot close to the stand I was in.
KY is a one buck state so my buck hunting is over this year. I might get out with my buddies during ML season and might also film one of them on a late bow hunt. There are three more bucks on the hit list and I haven't heard that anyone shot any of them.

I've got five cameras out to see what's still running around and will likely get three or four more out after ML season. Only 6 more Saturdays until habitat season :).