
Crooked Crow is... anxiously awaiting the return of six mounts and two full body mounts from last year. Please post up your favorite taxidermy. I would very much like to see your success's, and I'm always interested in new ideas.
I will play...

Only have whitetail deer standard shoulder mounts so pretty standard stuff. I used to do taxidermy back in the 90's but too many other things occupy my tim now. I only mounted a few of my own in that time frame. Here are 2 of those...



How they are placed...


I have a friend still in the biz I let mount any I get nowadays. Here are the 3 we killed off our place first year of ownership in 2014.




Here is one I killed a few years ago off our deer lease...


Here is the deer I got last October on our deer lease.


We are working on getting bucks we killed in the past mounted up. I have 1 more at this shop and 3 more waiting to go...



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I have been a taxidermist for a little over 16 years now. I rarely post pictures of anything as I dont want to step on a customers toes. Some people dont want their mounts on the internet, others want to know why you put so and so's mount on line and not theirs, etcc.... Never have time to do my own mounts anymore:(. I will find something to add to this thread.
Well Okie makes me feel just down right pitiful!

I have taken 3 off of my place that have made the wall and my son has one from my place as well. All taxi work was done buy the same guy.

My 2008 buck:
2008 barn.png
My 2011 Buck:

My 2013 buck:

All 3 together:

My boys 2013:
tom 2013.jpg

All 4 - better contrast:
I have a bear and a couple small Northwoods bucks, nothing like some of these but I still proud of the effort it took to take and get them out. received_10157293365200397.jpeg received_10157293359345397.jpeg
Crooked Crow is... anxiously awaiting the return of six mounts and two full body mounts from last year. Please post up your favorite taxidermy. I would very much like to see your success's, and I'm always interested in new ideas.
Approx. how much do the full body mounts run? I have been interested in doing one but can't ever pull the trigger on the expense of them. I actually quit having all of my deer mounted back several years after my boys started hunting and I had a couple bucks a year to have mounted. I decided then that I was not going to mount anything smaller than my biggest buck that goes over 170". Well that hasn't happened since so no mounts for me.
I live in a rather modest 3br ranch so space is limited. I did manage to hang a couple of full shoulder mounts where the stairs go down to the finished basement by cutting out part of the wall for my display.
Approx. how much do the full body mounts run? I have been interested in doing one but can't ever pull the trigger on the expense of them. I actually quit having all of my deer mounted back several years after my boys started hunting and I had a couple bucks a year to have mounted. I decided then that I was not going to mount anything smaller than my biggest buck that goes over 170". Well that hasn't happened since so no mounts for me.
Blizzard Ridge I... only have shoulder mounts of my whitetails. I arrowed a black bear last fall that went over 500 pounds which I got a full mount done, and the other I'm waiting on is an African cat. Good luck on topping the 170". That's a great buck!
I have been a taxidermist for a little over 16 years now. I rarely post pictures of anything as I dont want to step on a customers toes. Some people dont want their mounts on the internet, others want to know why you put so and so's mount on line and not theirs, etcc.... Never have time to do my own mounts anymore:(. I will find something to add to this thread.
Interesting perspective from... your profession, Turkey Creek. I fully understand. I'm not fond of having my mounts made public unless I'm the one doing it, but I can also relate to the taxidermist point of view. They need to promote their work. However, I don't like it when the taxidermist calls a lot of people so they can be there to take pictures when he knows I'm bringing something in.
Blizzard Ridge I... only have shoulder mounts of my whitetails. I arrowed a black bear last fall that went over 500 pounds which I got a full mount done, and the other I'm waiting on is an African cat. Good luck on topping the 170". That's a great buck!
Congrats on the Bear and Cat those will be nice to see mounted up. Thanks for the good luck on the 170 I am sure I will need it.