Sugar Beets, Radish & Turnip fall plot


New Member
Starting a Thread on this annual food plot mix in MN. In late may I planted buckwheat.(sprayed Gly,waited 2 weeks, spread fert/lime & disced into top 3 inched, broadcast seed by hand, lightly disced into top inch then cultipacked). This worked great, buckwheat grew thick to over 6 ft tall. Then past wknd planted my mix per acre(6 lbs SB, 6 Lbs R, 2 lbs T). First I broadcast my seed/fert/lime & then I mowed the buckwheat down on top & then cultipacked. Then I hit it with some Gly because I didn't like the amount of grass that I thought might take off & suppress the food plot. I'll post pics every couple weeks to show the growth. I learned a lot from the old QDMA forum, so wanted to start my thread here to help anyone else starting out.

10 days after planting:
20 days after planting:
40 days after planting:
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I don't know much about sugar beets. I thought they need to be planted in the spring if you want to get a substantial beet growth from them?
I am trying out some RR sugar beets on my land this year. They have yet to be planted due to my Kubota being out of service for two weeks. Should be in by the end of the week. I have an entry corner to a field of ag soy beans that is getting the test plot. I am hoping to get the deer to stop and browse the beets in this plot. Figuring it to be a very late season plot in Central Wisconsin.
Starting a Thread on this annual food plot mix in MN. In late may I planted buckwheat.(sprayed Gly,waited 2 weeks, spread fert/lime & disced into top 3 inched, broadcast seed by hand, lightly disced into top inch then cultipacked). This worked great, buckwheat grew thick to over 6 ft tall. Then past wknd planted my mix per acre(6 lbs SB, 6 Lbs R, 2 lbs T). First I broadcast my seed/fert/lime & then I mowed the buckwheat down on top & then cultipacked. Then I hit it with some Gly because I didn't like the amount of grass that I thought might take off & suppress the food plot. I'll post pics every couple weeks to show the growth. I learned a lot from the old QDMA forum, so wanted to start my thread here to help anyone else starting out.

What is your soil like? I'm impressed you got decent sized tubers. Sugar beets (even RR) need top notch soil.

I haven't been able to grow them at all. Working with sand and browse pressure is immense (especially when the elk are around!)

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1st frost here is usually late Sept. I've got sandy loam. My R & T bulbs grow massive; SB will grow about the size of the video. I use 300 lbs of 17-17-17 & 400 lbs of lime per acre & then hit it with 200 lbs per acre of 46-0-0 after 30 days (make sure to apply 46 when leaves are dry within 24 hours of predicted rainfall)
I've never thought of SB as suitable for a mix of any kind, plus they're kind of hard on the soil. I think the only way I would plant them in a mid-summer mix would be at a very low ratio with a grain and legume mix. Then again, I'd have to truck in about 20 tri-axle loads of actual DIRT before I could expect good results from sugar beets, anyway! :)
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