Something I try to do to avoid cutting dirt is to prop up any log I am cutting on. I tend to pull the logs out of the woods with my tractor and put them in a pile in a level area where I feel safer to work - and it's easier to get the truck to so I can haul the wood out. I only cut in the woods enough to make the pieces more manageable for my tractor. I will tend to "limb" them out in the woods. I then put the log on some sort of support to get it up off the ground and prefer to get it at a better working height of about waist high. I have an FEL on my tractor so that helps as well. If I can't pull it or lift it with my little 30 hp tractor - I more than likely shouldn't be screwing with it any way!!! I realize this isn't something everyone can do, but I just hate working on a steep slope with a saw and I feel a lot safer taking these extra steps.