State Nurseries - Ordering out of state ?


New Member

I've seen state nurseries mentioned in various different posts as a good source of trees. Unfortunately, the one here in Florida is limited on the tree varieties you can select from. Thus my question :) Do state nurseries such as MDC ship out of state? I'm looking through some of the posts here and it seems the state nurseries don't limit you to shipping within the same state?
Thank you guys!

I was hopeful this was the case. I'll start working on putting together the list of trees for when ordering opens up :)
Thank you guys!

I was hopeful this was the case. I'll start working on putting together the list of trees for when ordering opens up :)

When you do, I’d order quick. I’ve seen certain species sell out within minutes of the ordering going live. MDC and Kansas seem to go quick sometimes. I have less experience with the others.

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Thanks for the advice, will do :)
I suggest you order from MDC and a couple of others. Availability can be an issue from time to time with weather impacting regions differently. By interacting with multiple nurseries, you can generally find what you are looking for.

I have used Missouri and Tennessee state nurseries with good success. Just try to match the varieties you want to grow to your region/climate.

Had nothing but great success from VA. I live close so I can save on pick up but they ship. As others have stated you better get on it quick, the good ones sell out pretty quickly! I believe VAs comes back online in September or October, check the website or shoot them an email and they will tell you the exact date.