Social experiment

Jeff H

Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with deer or deer hunting but a friend sent me a message earlier today that I found really interesting and thought you guys might be interested also. If you go to Google and type in literally any 3 digit number followed by the phrase "new cases", nothing else and take notice of what pops up.
That's really weird. No matter what 3 digit number I punch in, some place in the world had that many new cases of COVID19 in the past several days. It seems like Google is preprogrammed to put together a story with the number entered.
Why is it weird? Covid has been the biggest story of the year by far and it affects the whole world...

It’s no different than typing in your birthday and “Florida man” - not everything is a conspiracy.
Why is it weird? Covid has been the biggest story of the year by far and it affects the whole world...

It’s no different than typing in your birthday and “Florida man” - not everything is a conspiracy.
999 new cases ?, 888 new cases? 777 new cases ? keep on going it's all there. All domestic reports, not worldwide reports. Doesn't it make you wonder ?
999 new cases ?, 888 new cases? 777 new cases ? keep on going it's all there. All domestic reports, not worldwide reports. Doesn't it make you wonder ?

Make me wonder what? It’s a global pandemic...wouldn’t you expect the overwhelming majority of people who search for “new cases” to be searching for Covid info?
Make me wonder what? It’s a global pandemic...wouldn’t you expect the overwhelming majority of people who search for “new cases” to be searching for Covid info?
We need a statistician to tell us if there enough of news jurisdictions in the US that averages will say that there's apt to be at least one news jurisdiction with new covid cases for every number between 100 and 999. For the average to hit that there'd have to be around 1 million news jurisdictions reporting covind, just guessing. As of 2014, the United States had 1,331 daily newspapers. In 2017, there were 1,761 commercial television stations on the air in the United States. Now some of these overlap, and jurisdictions are each reporting multiple numbers each week, but there are no 10,000 news jurisdictions in the US. I'm really not into conspiracies, but the numbers here seem funny? Maybe someone can set me straight?
We need a statistician to tell us if there enough of news jurisdictions in the US that averages will say that there's apt to be at least one news jurisdiction with new covid cases for every number between 100 and 999. For the average to hit that there'd have to be around 1 million news jurisdictions reporting covind, just guessing. As of 2014, the United States had 1,331 daily newspapers. In 2017, there were 1,761 commercial television stations on the air in the United States. Now some of these overlap, and jurisdictions are each reporting multiple numbers each week, but there are no 10,000 news jurisdictions in the US. I'm really not into conspiracies, but the numbers here seem funny? Maybe someone can set me straight?

You are correct - it’s a statistics problem. I think if you factor in all the news sources (tv, print, Internet, radio) around the world AND factor in the number of days this pandemic has been the number one news story in the world there are enough stories to make this possible. Some of the numbers I searched for did not bring up US results - they brought up Italy and China.
There are 50 different states that have been reporting new cases daily for the past 120 days. That is 6000 reports. Now factor in that most news outlets will report region wide, county numbers, and/or numbers for several counties daily and those 6000 reports turn into possibly more than one hundred thousand reports and it keeps growing every day. This does not even count areas outside the US that are doing the same daily reporting.
In my opinion where COVID is concerned, there’s a lot of smoke but very little fire. We’ve been fed a bunch of garbage from the media and destroyed our economy and many people’s lives for something that‘s pretty insignificant from a percentages standpoint. And that’s even using the numbers that have been reported and I think most would agree that they’ve been inflated tremendously.
In my opinion where COVID is concerned, there’s a lot of smoke but very little fire. We’ve been fed a bunch of garbage from the media and destroyed our economy and many people’s lives for something that‘s pretty insignificant from a percentages standpoint. And that’s even using the numbers that have been reported and I think most would agree that they’ve been inflated tremendously.
Exactly! We have people here in our state wanting to completely shutdown again until next year past the election...I don’t understand how anyone can think you can shut the whole country down over this. The death rate is minuscule and I still have yet to personally know anyone who has had it and I shake hands daily, sit in restaurants and eat, go to stores, ride in customers trucks or they ride in mine while we are looking over job sites...
Exactly! We have people here in our state wanting to completely shutdown again until next year past the election...I don’t understand how anyone can think you can shut the whole country down over this. The death rate is minuscule and I still have yet to personally know anyone who has had it and I shake hands daily, sit in restaurants and eat, go to stores, ride in customers trucks or they ride in mine while we are looking over job sites...

Same here Okie!
Just had the wife do one new case. It’s still about the virus. Just how google works

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I typed in 0, and it brings up news articles that look odd.
Exactly! We have people here in our state wanting to completely shutdown again until next year past the election...I don’t understand how anyone can think you can shut the whole country down over this. The death rate is minuscule and I still have yet to personally know anyone who has had it and I shake hands daily, sit in restaurants and eat, go to stores, ride in customers trucks or they ride in mine while we are looking over job sites...

Both my parents have it. The virus is no joke for older people. They are on week 8 of being sick. Dad was in ICU for a few days. Even with that, this shutdown is just showing how easily manipulated Americans are and is nothing more than attempt 86 of the “kill Trumps presidency”

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Both my parents have it. The virus is no joke for older people. They are on week 8 of being sick. Dad was in ICU for a few days. Even with that, this shutdown is just showing how easily manipulated Americans are and is nothing more than attempt 86 of the “kill Trumps presidency”

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Sorry to hear about your they have any idea how they got it?
Most of our positives here are coming from people just going in to be tested...they aren’t feeling sick but the narrative is testing, testing, testing so many get a positive test even though they have no sign or symptom. I believe these to be false positives but they go into the numbers category...

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Both my parents have it. The virus is no joke for older people. They are on week 8 of being sick. Dad was in ICU for a few days. Even with that, this shutdown is just showing how easily manipulated Americans are and is nothing more than attempt 86 of the “kill Trumps presidency”

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Sorry to hear about your parents, Gator. My Mother is 79 and has a lung issue already so she and my Dad have been being super careful since day 1. It’s definitely a real threat to our older population or people with compromised immune systems. As for your assessment on the drive behind the ‘hysteria’ you are 100% spot on in my opinion. Hope your parents bounce back soon.