deer patch
Well-Known Member
I know there was talk about some going to plant corn from Rural King this past spring. Did anyone plant any and if you did how were the results?
Thanks guys for the replies. I don't have RK here either but the price would be hard to beat if shipping wasn't to high and if it would yield good results. Only one farmer plants it around here so I may have to see if he has any leftover seed. I'm only needing one bag since I was going to mix it in with some beans next spring.
J-bird that is what I planned to talk to him. He only plants for a few farmers and I've been told that he's a shady person at best but it could work out. He has already harvested all the corn around and the fields look like they have been planted again in corn from his poor harvesting equipment. I will check with local Coop also. Good news is RK only wants to charge $16.50 for shipping but if I get seed from their it will be next spring.
Yep - I see new corn growing in recently harvested fields here too.
Bound to be a coop somewhere - they should be able to help guide you in the right direction if you go that route. Just be warned that seed corn from a co-op can get expensive ($250+ per bag) - so make sure your getting what you need. Also keep in mind that mixing it in with your beans will lead to it's own challenges - especially if you want grain. Lots of folks here to help with that as well.
Welcome to the forum, USC
I bought some of the ru ready corn from rural king this year. Had good results if one ear per stalk is normal. Not sure since I've never done corn before. I had a good setup with shooting lanes cut through the corn until the hurricane came and blew it all over. I will use them again.
Sure - I'll get you some contact info for MO.I'm sure not paying that much for seed but whatever I buy I do want it to make ears or I'd rather not plant it. I'm not on the other site so do you think you could get me his contact info for me? If it's not to much trouble. Also I'm not needing RU seed.