Well-Known Member
It proves that all bucks get to breed at some point. You had many bigger bucks but he still landed a lady.
And I think two more afterwards! And there was one pic of even a button buck getting lucky. Don't know if he connected or even was old enough but he definitely was on top.
And a slight correction on many bigger bucks on the property; there are three or four older and larger bucks on the property but still this one is good for here and I had put him in the top seven group that any one of them should be very nice shooters in the coming fall for this area. Here is what I think to be the buck in the breeding sequence pictured in the more normal way we are used to seeing them. You can see he still has a very large frame and body even at the late date of 12/01 when this pic was taken.

I didn't want to leave the impression that we have unlocked the key and are over run with larger size bucks as we certainly are not. We are thrilled to have the age bucks we are seeing here on this property as it just didn't used to be so very often.
Further I am becoming convinced that a few years back when we used to have as many as eight cams out with only two of them being perfectly reliable and seldom was a buck even 2 1/2 ever photographed let alone the 3 1/2's and up that it did not mean they weren't there or were all nocturnal; Back then the cams mostly only worked half the time and we were putting them in places that older deer did not tend to venture during the daylight hours. And I'd bet if all properties in this area that had such poor hunting this past season had the camera coverage and lower pressure as this property that older deer would have been showing on those properties during the daytime as well.
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