Posting no-trespassing signs

Wow, playing above the rim as normal Chainsaw

Thanks Bullwinkle, people talk about me being a bit off and they figure I must have giant movie screens like a war room where I can watch everything happening on the property from inside my barn. This sign I think adds fuel to their conclusions. There are only a dozen or so of these in extra high visibility spots on the property but they definitely send the message we want sent.

Funny story--I left my car off at the local garage and the mechanic gave me a ride home. He pulls into my driveway by one of these signs and stops a thousand feet from the house and rolls down his window and smiles away. I ask him what is he doing; he replies "I always wanted to be a movie star"!
You're smart Chainsaw. Very smart

I have a lawyer tee-ed up to sue my next trespasser. The neighbors have a finders fee waiting for them if they help catch anyone

Tresspassing is stealing and needs to stop

Those new reconyx cameras without the strap are pretty cool too
Thanks Bullwinkle. I am not stupid but never was as smart as most. But I found that working extra hard and sharing ideas and learning from others has treated me pretty well. Thanks for the tip on the new Reconyx; I like it very much. I hadn't seen it before.

And yes trespassing is stealing!

We bought 100 of these in purple with our names & address phone #. Sign's are really tough and hard to remove when screwed into the tree!

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Good for you Kwood that you spent the dollars and it turned out you were right. I did the same on some of my borders. They sure didn't like it. It was almost as if I was intruding on them! Any way be sure to notify them ASAP. If you wait until July they may feel only a few months until hunting season and "Now you are telling us". The quicker you break the news to them the less impact it will have on them and the more time they have to absorb what the new game is. Hope it goes smoothly for you.
We use aluminum signs screwed to treated plywood bases and then screwed into treated posts. Makes a better statement than a flimsy piece of plastic the thickness of paper stapled to a tree.
I've already talked to outfitter and sent him pictures of the three stands with property lines marked. He told me they will have them down by end of week. Let the land owner know we had it surveyed (and why) and that signs were going up. Made it clear this was not my intentions but his tenants clients were trespassing and I felt this was only fair. If he had an issue with it to call the outfitter and have him explain why his clients had no idea who's property they were on.

Ironically, the stand the client was in that caused all this was 25' onto our property after it was surveyed.

The two stands right on our side of border I referenced were probably hunted a combined 30 days this year.

Huge win for our property as there aren't too many good stand sites left.

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All our lines are fenced , signs every 150 ft with our name and phone number . a UTV trail on our side ,, you cross it you get a ticket unless you call us first and then you must await at the line for someone before you cross to our side
Check your state laws for what is required to be recognized as "Posted." States vary by laws. Several states recognize purple paint, but not all do... Although, if nothing else, it would serve to mark a line through the woods. IF the state lists what is recognized, there will most likely be a distance requirement.
Mississippi doesn't recognize the purple paint, but, they don't require posted signs at all. Each person, whether they are hunting or just out for a stroll, are expected to know where they are.
Update: had property surveyed today. 3 of their 5 stands were actually on our property and the 2 stands they used 90% of the time will have to come down. Big win.

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Did your surveyor actually mark your lines for you, or just your boundary corners?

I'm a Land Surveyor by trade and I don't mark a clients boundary lines unless they ask for it to be done, and even then it is quite expensive to do. Some surveyors in the larger city's don't even mark your boundary corners unless you pay extra. I don't agree with this practice, but it's how other surveyors operate.

I'm glad you made out well with your boundary survey. A lot of people have their property surveyed and it doesn't always work out in their favor sometimes.
I'm a Land Surveyor by trade and I don't mark a clients boundary lines unless they ask for it to be done, and even then it is quite expensive to do. Some surveyors in the larger city's don't even mark your boundary corners unless you pay extra. I don't agree with this practice, but it's how other surveyors operate.

If they don't mark the corners what are you getting as an end result of the survey?
I've already talked to outfitter and sent him pictures of the three stands with property lines marked. He told me they will have them down by end of week. Let the land owner know we had it surveyed (and why) and that signs were going up. Made it clear this was not my intentions but his tenants clients were trespassing and I felt this was only fair. If he had an issue with it to call the outfitter and have him explain why his clients had no idea who's property they were on.

Ironically, the stand the client was in that caused all this was 25' onto our property after it was surveyed.

The two stands right on our side of border I referenced were probably hunted a combined 30 days this year.

Huge win for our property as there aren't too many good stand sites left.

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Good for you and glad was in your favor. You guys make me feel great as I have never had tresspassing issues and good cooperation on all sides . Sure takes the stress out. I often leave my ATV parked thru the week in the field with key in and never had an issue. Everyone small time farmers/hunters and look out for one another. Only issue was when I first bought , one of the two that owned adjacent land was a bit of a butt, but the 357 strapped to my leg and fact I stood inches from his face as he blew cigarete smoke in my face, and didn't back away ( heck my brother is a 2+ pack a day so smoke don't affect me) he saw I wouldn't take his crap and has been fine ever since. Just a little testosterone postering. Kinda enjoyed it.
If they don't mark the corners what are you getting as an end result of the survey?

You receive a boundary survey stamped map, which includes everything legally needed for a title transfer. Lawyers don't care if the property corners were marked or not.

Again; I don't agree with this idea, and believe that you should mark the boundary corners, and set new ones if there isn't any at all. Just mentioning how things are done in different areas.
If they don't mark the corners what are you getting as an end result of the survey?

The legal description. I'm going through the process myself right now. It's amazing how many things you need the legal description of the property boundaries to do. Luckily my surveyor is willing to work with me to install marking post along my fence rows. We're using t-posts with a section of pvc pipe slipped over them.

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We had bought our land 5 years ago and had problems the day after we signed the paperwork, our only neighbor who happens to be a lawyer had been hunting the land we bought for many years without permission and having absent land owners the last 25 years. Guy insisted we let him use our logging road and hunt stand he had on our land! We tried to be nice at first and let him know that the road was ours and the stands had to be removed etc. the next 3 years we had our fill of problems so we paid to have all 4 sides of our square 40 surveyed. After it was done our lawyer neighbor didn't like how it turned out as the line we shared to the east moved 5 yrs his way one corner and almost 35 yards on the other corner. He tried to then sue us for something called adverse possession. Needless to say we got our own lawyer and told him to pound sand!!! Now he as no access to the back part of his property due to the fact his land is all swamp and this strip was the only high ground!

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He marked all corners, gave us points along one area we had in question, and then another point. I think 8 points in all. I didn't need the whole area surveyed, just the border with one neighbor.

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Got 50 of these made up, thanks for advice.

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If using just paint make sure in your state it means what you think it does.I was told by the CWO in Kansas purple paint means No hunting or fishing without written permission and that if the landowner doesn't give written permission cards and they stop and write people they see on the land only to have landowner drop charges they will stop checking the property.,It doesn't mean no tresspassing