Portable heater

I use one all winter long if it's cold enough in my tower stands. Never felt like they spook deer. If they smell that then they are smelling you.
Never had a problem with smell either. If you buy one new make sure you run it somewhere open first to burn off all the oil residue.
I run propane heaters that sit on 20 gallon tanks in my 4' by 8' stands with sliding windows. These stands are at least 20 feet in the air, so I don't think the deer will smell anything. Sometimes it is necessary to run the propane heater for 20-30 minutes just to unthaw the windows. This usually occurs in morning hunts when it was a foggy day previously and the condensation just pooled up on the bottoms of the windows. My 4x8 stands are insulated, so in no time it is warm enough to open the windows and even take off a layer of clothes.