Looking for on-site habitat expert to mark trees for felling and hinge-cutting in Virginia


New Member
Hi folks.

New here. Long time shooter, new-ish deer hunter.

Just got 20 acres in Fluvanna Co, Virginia for deer hunting this past Summer. Managed to get a doe this past muzzle loader season. Half my property is gorgeous mature canopy to walk thru in the Summer, but naked with no reason for deer to be going through once the leaves all fall. I'd like to carve out some holes in the canopy for a few discrete deer bedding areas, and I have a couple chain saws.

However, I've seen enough YouTubes on hinge-cutting to see that there are trees to try to hinge cut, and trees that could just go down. Also, an experienced person could see where my oaks are, and optimally position such openings/bedding areas. I contacted one local habitat expert, but he only does virtual work. I'm looking to pay a guy or gal to walk the property with me and a can of spray paint to mark trees for me to hinge cut or fell (or who would just do it himself for not a lot more).

Any leads on someone who knows their stuff who could do this in central Virginia?

Hi folks.

New here. Long time shooter, new-ish deer hunter.

Just got 20 acres in Fluvanna Co, Virginia for deer hunting this past Summer. Managed to get a doe this past muzzle loader season. Half my property is gorgeous mature canopy to walk thru in the Summer, but naked with no reason for deer to be going through once the leaves all fall. I'd like to carve out some holes in the canopy for a few discrete deer bedding areas, and I have a couple chain saws.

However, I've seen enough YouTubes on hinge-cutting to see that there are trees to try to hinge cut, and trees that could just go down. Also, an experienced person could see where my oaks are, and optimally position such openings/bedding areas. I contacted one local habitat expert, but he only does virtual work. I'm looking to pay a guy or gal to walk the property with me and a can of spray paint to mark trees for me to hinge cut or fell (or who would just do it himself for not a lot more).

Any leads on someone who knows their stuff who could do this in central Virginia?


Your area State Forester will come and walk your ground with you and provide you with this information for free. Get yourself a good tree id book and start learning your trees. I watch youtubers and know that there are very few that I would even trust to walk on my ground let alone provide me with information.

Hi folks.

New here. Long time shooter, new-ish deer hunter.

Just got 20 acres in Fluvanna Co, Virginia for deer hunting this past Summer. Managed to get a doe this past muzzle loader season. Half my property is gorgeous mature canopy to walk thru in the Summer, but naked with no reason for deer to be going through once the leaves all fall. I'd like to carve out some holes in the canopy for a few discrete deer bedding areas, and I have a couple chain saws.

However, I've seen enough YouTubes on hinge-cutting to see that there are trees to try to hinge cut, and trees that could just go down. Also, an experienced person could see where my oaks are, and optimally position such openings/bedding areas. I contacted one local habitat expert, but he only does virtual work. I'm looking to pay a guy or gal to walk the property with me and a can of spray paint to mark trees for me to hinge cut or fell (or who would just do it himself for not a lot more).

Any leads on someone who knows their stuff who could do this in central Virginia?


You are correct about virtual advice, pretty much useless. Every tree is a decision to be made standing in sight of the tree.

I would suggest contacting the Virginia Department of Forestry. They should be in a great position to help you find the right person. Good Luck.
I would not suggest VDOF. I have worked with them. They are great for helping for when it comes to timber management for harvest value, but not focused on wildlife. I would contact VA DWR (Previously VDGIF). They have biologists that will come out and give you some good suggestions for wildlife management. While the biologist for your area may or may not be willing to mark trees for you, they are certainly a good first step. Most private foresters we interviewed were more focused on timber value than wildlife management. We did find a good private forester who was sensitive to our balance between income and wildlife. We are managing pines and he did a lot of our planning and conducted timber sales, but we are dealing with a few hundred acres of pines. He would probably not be practical for the OPs small acreage needs.

We are only one county away from Fluvanna. Recently, we have been hiring out some of our habitat work. We have done herbicide application and controlled burns through this company. We only recently started working with them, so I don't have a long track record. I'm not sure if they would do what the OP is asking or not, but they are worth a try:

M&L Land and Wildlife
4772 Powcan Road
Bruington, VA 23023

The OP can PM me if they would like an email contact for them.
My forester was all on board for wildlife. He over sees the monies to kill trees and let the sunshine, good for timber and wildlife. He is also the fire chief.

My forester was all on board for wildlife. He over sees the monies to kill trees and let the sunshine, good for timber and wildlife. He is also the fire chief.

Yes, you gotta get the right guy. We interviewed 4 of them before selecting one. He has been great.