Live from the stand 2016!

This morning was one of those hunts that make all of the time and hard work spent on habitat and plots seem worthwhile.

I decided to take a few hours off of work since the weather was supposed to be nice after several days of wind. Sat in a rarely used tripod stand that has a great view, but is pretty much rifle only. The day started a little slow with a coyote walking by at about 30 yards, but shortly after, a nice 9 pt walked across the pasture. At that point it turned into non-stop action. A doe and fawn stepped out and milled around the stand for what seemed to be a half hour. They had me pinned down pretty well, then 3 bucks started sparring a 100 yards below, but partially hidden by hedge trees. It was tough trying not to get busted by the does while trying to sort out the bucks. The bucks weren’t anything special, but fun to watch. Deer started popping out everywhere, and at one point there were 15 does and 4 bucks in sight at the same time. I don’t think there was a single minute where there wasn’t a deer in sight. To finish off the morning, at 9:00 a doe came crashing through and grunts everywhere. 4 bucks were chasing her, including a nice young 3.5 yo 9pt with a drop tine that has a pass this year. One of the bucks stepped out at 25 yards and it was a big 8pt that I had on camera several times. Honestly, he’s a nice deer that I had guessed to be a 4.5 yo, but wanted to see in person. Was having so much fun watching the action, decided to let him walk (probably a mistake).

Figured I better get to work so bailed out of the stand. Perfect wind, temperature, and sunshine made it one of my favorite days ever in a stand. Smiled all day :)

There's an little 8 pt walking across the pond dam.

Here's a pre-rut picture of the big 8.
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I am in the woods. Deer lease today due to wind direction. Got a behemoth 7 point using this ridge I am on. I am right next to his bedding area so hopefully he will wiggle his nose or something before dark! This is the only location I have had a daylight picture of him...

Got it done yesterday.

The day started out strangely, I woke about 4:00 and went out to answer nature's call. Two steps out of the cabin and I hear the wildest sounds coming from the direction of the pond. I couldn't tell what it was, never heard anything like it before, kind of a cross between a high pressure relief valve venting and something being run over by a car!
Interspersed within those sounds were occasional yelps from a canine. I went back to bed for awhile, awoke to the alarm at 5:45, stepped back outside to more, I could distinctly hear at least two critters fighting for all they were worth. I am pretty sure what I was hearing was either two coons fighting, or a coyote killing a coon, strange that it was going on at 4:00 and still/again at 5:45?? I wondered if someone had a coyote in a trap, but this was well inside my property, so I don't think that was it.

Anyway, I headed to one stand, got halfway there and decided the wind would be wrong, so I turned around and headed to one about 300 yards from the cabin. I climbed the ladder, got settled in and then realized that the wind wasn't really right for that stand either. By this time it was getting light, so I decided to stay put. About 7:15, I had two does, across the fence, headed my way......they got downwind of me and stopped, turned around and bounced off. Bummer! They were in the "corridor" where deer travel between properties, I figured that was going to be an issue all morning.

I saw a coyote about 8:00, then nothing until about 8:45 when I saw a doe to the east, picking her way through the oaks feeding on acorns. She was accompanied by 6 other does and fawns........I noticed one of the fawns bouncing around, followed closely by a fork horn. In just a few seconds, I could see a spike following the fork horn and fawn. Well the older does had enough of that and started out of the timber towards the fence crossing. The bucks came out of the timber north of me while the does came out south of me. My head swiveled back and forth watching the does to the south and the bucks to the north. I turned back north to look at the little bucks and one of them stepped out from behind a big oak......except it wasn't one of the little bucks, it was an 11 point. He looked to be a 3 1/2 year old buck......I looked at him through the binoculars.......then picked up my rifle. I looked him over closely, decided he needed to grow another year, laid my rifle back across my lap and picked up the binoculars.

As I watched him, I had 4 more bucks come out of the timber and start this point, the does had crossed the fence and headed north east where I lost sight of them in the brush. I sat there thinking how wild the morning had been. I noticed the 11 point had a very distinct feature on his left side, 2 tines that started at nearly the same point on the main beam. I picked up my rifle and dialed the scope to 9x to get a really good look at the left main beam. I killed a nice buck a few years ago with exactly the same distinctive feature and figured it was this buck's father. The 11 point came face to face with one of the little bucks, they both lowered their heads and did some gently "sparing"........the small buck's head fit completely within the 11 point's rack!

While I was looking at the 11 point through the scope, I caught movement to my left.......a bigger buck had come from the west and was headed for the 11 point. His ears were laid back and the hair on his back was bristled, it was clear that he was the boss. When I first saw the bigger buck, he was less than 20 yards from the tree I was in and he was completely focused on the other bucks. I immediately decided to shoot the buck but I had to wait for him to turn.......the shot was about 35 yards and he dropped at the shot.

The other bucks froze in place, then slowly walked around the area ending up south of my stand......I was able to get some photos of the 11 point.

The 11 point that got a pass, should be a stud next year.





