Well-Known Member
Lots of cattlemen around here don't like trees. You'll see a crop duster hitting an area one day and in a month every tree on the place is brown. Sounds like your dad would have loved our place. It wouldn't take a lot of cutting to have it pretty barren.Beautiful picture of the pond and fields!
I always thought my dad should have been born, raised, and died in Kansas because he hated trees...really weird for a guy who loved coon and squirrel hunting but I remember the only tree that was ever safe around him was a pecan tree because he loved to eat pecans. He tried and tried to get us boys to completely deforest the land I grew up on with chainsaws and we actually did cut about 10 acres of beautiful red oaks down before we decided to not cut anymore trees...unfortunately that was really the only section of the property that had red oaks other than the trees right around their house and is the reason I am planting so many hard mast trees on that property...
Hope your foot gets better - did you do it on one of those running through and over junk deals?
Thanks on the foot thing. I was just out for a run on a mowed path. Nothing spectacular or anything unusual (other than being crippled the last two weeks).