Grain overload


Well-Known Member
Anyone else feel like every year they are using more and more grains?

I tend to overseed all my plots with oats, winter wheat and winter rye. I do it over my brassicas, beans, corn, clover, etc.

Deer love them and I find them easy to plant.
I planted our plots here on whitetail hollow last weekend and thought I was done other than my clover overseed but low and behold I found myself buying another 100 lbs of wheat seed to overseed the plots with tomorrow evening before a small chance of rain...I only had rye for a grain planted in there....
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grains--particularly wheat, has been my staple fall planting for 20 years. I have found myself using more rye in the last few years. I'm sure that is due to LC's influence but just can't get away from using wheat also.
grains--particularly wheat, has been my staple fall planting for 20 years. I have found myself using more rye in the last few years. I'm sure that is due to LC's influence but just can't get away from using wheat also.

I just keep adding more and more. I love planting them.
Small grains (oats, wheat, rye) tend to be a cheap and easy way to add food diversity to your property for hunting season and beyond. They tend to not be expensive, they tend to germinate easily and wheat and rye will grow deeper into your hunting season when other plants have gone dormant. I particularly like to overseed them at the ends of my summer grain plots or down the rows of those same summer grain plots as they start to dry down and expose more soil to the sun. It's a great way to get more production out of the same plot acreage in my opinion. Large grains (corn and soybeans) are a different matter, but I don't think those are what your talking about.
Yea I plant them in my Jeep, on the sidewalk , in the barn lots of times, grow great. Seriously just hard to not use them for ease of use, great fall and early spring attraction, and soil building. Great way to save poor plot late in the year. As I will be doing with my water starved brassica this weekend. WR,WW, RC mix I've planted as late as Nov on failed or overbrowsed plots. Cheap and easy like me.