Thanks guys.
Story? I found the girls and two travel routes up from food and water below up to bed. After finding the buck, I set up above where the two draws up converge. The first set, pictured above, instead of passing in front of me the girls passed thru me. The next day same set one group of three does again wanted to pass thru. This time they blew and passed thru and that was it for deer movement. By now I was feeling like a real numb nuts for educating the majority of the doe population so I stayed away Wednesday evening and all of Thursday. On Friday morning I returned and this time the deer were following the plan, passing out in front of me heading to bed as the sun started to show. First two does, I've got to get my camera, no I've got to get my gun. Two more girls with big boy close behind. I shot him as soon as he paused, six inches behind the front leg, about sixty yards out. He ran up hill about seventy yards and expired. I didn't see him fall but I heard him die. The rest of the herd moved past and over.
I had him cut up before the sun got to me.
I brought one knife with me, one of the purple heartwoods that I finally sharpened up for myself.
The first pack out was 84lbs of pack and animal product, not including my gear.
The second pack out was 89lbs pack and meat. 162lbs of animal product total including 27lbs of cape, head, and antlers. 162 gross inches and 155 1/2 net, which is the same net as the Iowa 8pt that I already said that he will go up next to.

A couple of things learned, mule deer are probably as easy or easier to pattern than whitetails and this is about the limit of my packing out abilities. My thighs have been a bit sore as well as my right knee this morning.
I was back to humping the hills yesterday as I helped the neighbor boys clean out the pen.