Ford 309 planter

Started fixing all the rusted pcs with new steel

I didn't screw up drilling, the original had a slotted hole. Still more work to do on it

Just bought 2 new Springs on ebay to replace this and the missing one.

Next job is to make new runners
This is where your trouble with plates begins...... Today's seed isn't sized and graded like in the past. Modern planters don't require it so the need and added cost disappeared. So what is going to happen is your going to have to find several different plates and see what works best with your seed. I have to do this every year. I have to put a plate in the planter, put some seed in the hopper and lift it up and turn the rear wheel and see if I get a seed every time it goes pop. If I get 2 seeds, the opening in the plate is too big. If I don't get a seed every time the opening in the plate is too small.....worse yet sometimes the seed sticks in the plate and then nothing comes out. Obviously I switch plates based on the info in the manual and on my observations until I find something I am happy with. Typically I can find something that works for just takes time. Also keep in mind the number of openings in the plate drives spacing and planting population as well. Getting 2 seeds every once in a while is fine, it's a food plot and not a production field, so it doesn't have to be perfect. What I have described is how I have overcome this issue. If by chance you find graded seed, great. If someone else has a better way....I'm all ears as well.