Now what can one plant that is cheap, easy to sow the small seed, works in tillage or T & M, produces tons of food per ac at start of hunting season, yet still feed deer till late Feb even after they have devoured the leaves, and , this is the great part, the deer wont bother your plot until mid Oct after first freeze which is perfect for the season?? Yep the brassic or to be specific, PTT, DER, Turnips, and Lettuce. I no longer use a Daikon radish since the deer love it too much and will feed on plot as soon as it begins to grow. I don't want them in there unitl prime hunting season. Plus its too expensive and you've heard me say, I'm cheap and I like easy. Those are my requirements.
Sometimes you just play your cards right. I usually like to plant brassica first week of Aug if weather permits. With rain coming on I went after work Thur and sprayed fields with 41% gly plus at 64 oz with 16 oz AMS /15 gal of water which my worthless piece of crap Fimco sprayer will cover/ ac. Then Fri got up early and went down to get seed on ground in a throw and mow planting. I had obligations/golf game that afternoon so didn't get fert down which I didn't like. So went down again Sun evening spread 4 Bu of Urea and 300# of 10-20-20. And guess what? Rain all day today as the weather girl said. Pretty amazing. Rain forcast again this weekend so that is great after a very dry 6 weeks. I'll hit them again with Urea in 30 days.
I planted last year same time with rain in forcast that never came and we went 82 days without a shower. Needless to say, brassicas failed mostly.
I did my first throw and mow in 2010 and at that time considered it a failure but looking back, it was a success. You just don't always the carpet of growth that you sometimes see with tillage. I look at it much more differently these days. And as then, try to plant with rain coming. If a brassica fails, simply overseed with a grain and RC sometime late fall, and plot still performs somewhat.
Acorn crop looks pretty good this year. Did you check yours? Did you take note of weather, i.e., rain, humidity, temps, etc when your oak trees bloomed? Read some of the factors affecting acorn crops listed in the thread,
This stuff grows everywhere on my farm and deer love it. I've only planted it on a couple of plots but now find it across 15 ac of fields. It and alfalfa great for dry hot days of summer when clovers struggle.
Plots to be sown had decent clovers. Hated to spray the chicories and clovers but did so for brassica. These clovers have been gly sprayed for 3 years now for rotations, and you can see the dang stuff just keeps returning. Love that. You can see the dead WW mowed few weeks ago. Prefer WR for crop rotations as it decomposes much faster when mowed.
Always nice to have a deer come see what the heck the human is doing this time. Twin fawns everywhere this year after good mast and easy winter last year. Nice respite as buck crowd has been down after two mast failure and harsh winter years in '14 and '15. You can see WW and some WR on ground from mowing couple weeks ago. It was mowed tight again after planting. Deer is feeding in the alfalfa/clover/chicory plot. I thot I was going to have to confess on here that my alfalfa had reached its end after 5 years. But some decent showers last week, and the deer browsing woody growht, and the alfalfa was once again knee deep. It gets expanded early Sept to double the plot size in preperation that this alfalfa will give out and become mostly clover plot. Clovers are the bomb, but the alfalfa is a nice variation for my mind.
I just buy seed from local coop. I mix the PTT and Rape together in coffee container about 2# each. Lettuce is a tad larger and I spread seperately about 3#. Not to picky on amounts but would rather go light on PTT to get good softball size bulb growth. Not sure why PTT was in bagged this way, In past always just weighed out as any other seed. If you don't have the Solo spreader...get one. Only problem would be if you are a little short. Even tho it was cool, by the time I was done I was sweating like a mule working the back 40.
My first plots were done pulling a bedspring and yard roller and spreading fert and seed by hand. You don't need anything but your sweat if you so choose.
Below is my perennial clover/chicory plot in distance and closer is the second brassica plot I would plant same way. To the left of it is my Buffalo plot. I am aggravated because Dr Grant stole my idea on one of his latest videos. LOL. If you recall I described how last couple of years, I was promoting natural clover growth by allowing my buffalo/tractor to browse/mow and tramble/tractor tires, the grass and weeds. Indeed it has done well , so much that I even overseeded brassica into it to see what the results will be. I knew I should have patented the idea and I might just sue. I mean thats what Americans do don't they??
Note Goldenrod screening around fields. Eight feet tall, deer wont browse it, withstands ice, wind, snow into late Dec, and doesn't require me do anything but let it grow. Now tell me why I should bother with labor and cost intensive EW which is on ground after first few ice or snow storms?? And the bees and butterflies love it.
Before you planted your precious plots, did you take note of what nature had done on her own? Did you notice her invertebrate insecticide at work? Did you kneel down and look close at her handiwork, wondering how long it took to weave such a meticulous pattern? Did you contemplate the strength of each strand,and its combined strength? Did you count the thousands of water drops that looked like diamonds in the sun that would provide moisture for your plants beneath? Did you think how this factory provided OM building blocks for your soil in its own miniscule way? Did you consider this small predator and its niche in the circle of all living things? Did you accept your insignificance in your food plotting in the grand scheme of things? Observe what nature teaches,and mimic her ways. She has been doing so for milleniums without your help. She knows that of what she does. Can you accept that? Peace.
"The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him." --- Habakkuk 2:20
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