Fescue. Great stuff for hay and cattle. Not so much so for plotters. This field of it I keep mowed along road is chest high. Has some vetch and white clovers. You can see doing nothing for nearly 8 years now hasn't phased its growth. Ridding it for plots or fallow fields takes effort. I know how to do it.
Does this look like a good food plot. Planted after a gly kill w no tillage fall 2 yrs ago. WR WC RC oats were broadcast. Lousy plot? I'll show you.
Plenty of red and whites. A few residual oats and some recurring rye. Yea fescue too it don't want to leave. Do nothing but mow once maybe twice year. Can't get any cheaper or easier and deer have paths worn to dirt going into it. You don't need a tractor or atv. Jst your feet , a sprayer , and a bag spreader.
And last. Not just hunters love managing habitat. My daughter loves all things outdoors but wouldn't have any desire to hunt. But she can teach a few things of soil management and repurposing trash to make a garden green. 8 eggs a day means some fresh ones for me. Have a great weekend people. Remember to look under the plants you see and learn what the soil has done, or maybe not done with your methods. Peace
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