Food Plots the Simple Way

Sulfur is considered the fourth most important nutrient after N,P, and K, but if you are using dry fertilizer you are often getting all the sulfur you need, and you get 5 to 20 lb from the atmosphere per acre each year. High levels of OM are usually a sign that your sulfur is good. If your sulfur is good you don't want to put too much on because it can help make the soil acidic. Sandy soils are often low in sulfur due to leaching, if your soil test shows low sulfur AMS will give you sulfur and nitrogen at a cheap price of about $13 for 50 lb.
Nice Job!
As someone who started off without a tractor and implements, I appreciate simplicity.
Minimizing steps is essential. Especially now that I have little ones who consume my time. My goal has always been "kill plots", I have 7 of them. I let the ag fields around me grow them big, and in the fall they hit my plots in the woods. My property is only 75 acres though.

An ATV, tank sprayer and some Rye seed can make an excellent plot of most places. A few of my plots are deep in the woods where I can't get implements. I kill the weeds and spread Rye a few weeks later. By fall, they're lush.

I think Paul once said that Rye will grow in a bed of a truck. It does. Even without soil testing the truck.
Osceola, this is what I use for my small plots. Works great in sandy loam. Hard clay soil I usually wait till it rains.

On the discussion of ph, I have started using chicken manure instead of lime. Just food for thought and opinions are welcomed. Enjoyed the read, Osceola.6c05e51e9a92bef3cf835d9a44d5780c.jpg