I've got a small, spring fed water hole that sits topographically above a much larger pond. The two are essentially separated by a dam. After years of SC drought the spring ran dry, so we didn't have to worry about overflow from the smaller hole. We've had some major rain over the last couple of years, however, and the spring is running again. This presented a problem: the water from the spring wants to go through the dam.
Overflow started to erode the dam after hurricane Matthew:
The plan was to dig a trench in the leaky spot and install a pipe. Water was flowing well before long:
I used 2 10' sections of 4" sewer pipe with a 90 degree elbow on one end. This will allow me to adjust the depth of the water by adding different sized sections of vertical pipe. I set 4 bags of quikcrete around the pipe to build a cement dam, then dumped 4 trackho loads of dirt down on the hole thing.
After a couple of hours, it was clear that the water was rising again. Unfortunately, water was leaking through the dam around the pipe. I've ordered a 50 lb bag of bentonite to sprinkle around the pipe. Hopefully the bentonite will be sucked into the leak and seal it. Any other suggestions?
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Overflow started to erode the dam after hurricane Matthew:
The plan was to dig a trench in the leaky spot and install a pipe. Water was flowing well before long:
I used 2 10' sections of 4" sewer pipe with a 90 degree elbow on one end. This will allow me to adjust the depth of the water by adding different sized sections of vertical pipe. I set 4 bags of quikcrete around the pipe to build a cement dam, then dumped 4 trackho loads of dirt down on the hole thing.
After a couple of hours, it was clear that the water was rising again. Unfortunately, water was leaking through the dam around the pipe. I've ordered a 50 lb bag of bentonite to sprinkle around the pipe. Hopefully the bentonite will be sucked into the leak and seal it. Any other suggestions?
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