We finally had our EQIP application approved this year and are currently clearing fire lanes around our property and dozing about 25 acres that are just overgrown red cedar thickets. We have 200 acres total. Amazing is a word overused sometimes but the transformation of our place is pretty amazing. I plan on posting pics and making this a land tour thread.
Part of the cedar thicket clearing process involves piling up the cedars in big piles. We also are approved to use our state Acres for Wildlife program, which pays for chemicals to kill fescue, bermudagrass, and serecia lesoedeza and also pays for native warm season grass planting. We had so many cedars that that piles are big and plentiful.
Anyone have any experience with this? My main question is how long the cedars need to dry before we can burn them? I'm wanting to plant the nwsg next winter but really want the cedar piles gone before I do. Looking forward to your replies and the continued work on our place. Pics will follow.
Part of the cedar thicket clearing process involves piling up the cedars in big piles. We also are approved to use our state Acres for Wildlife program, which pays for chemicals to kill fescue, bermudagrass, and serecia lesoedeza and also pays for native warm season grass planting. We had so many cedars that that piles are big and plentiful.
Anyone have any experience with this? My main question is how long the cedars need to dry before we can burn them? I'm wanting to plant the nwsg next winter but really want the cedar piles gone before I do. Looking forward to your replies and the continued work on our place. Pics will follow.