Dwarf chinkapin oak

My DCO seedlings from the tree in my yard as of yesterday---6/21/19. I've pulled the acorns off the roots so maybe that will keep chipmunks out of them. This fall I will "dump the pot" and replant the seedlings bareroot in their final spot.

Baby DCO's 6-21-19.JPG
Y'all check this out. After a really bad drought in May and early June we started getting some pretty good rains. This DCO decided to put on a bunch of new growth, bloom, and set acorns. This was made July 6. It already has acorns on it from the spring.

DCO's second blooming 7-6-19.JPG

Looks about the same on mine!

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I guess DCO's just do not like SE Bama. I have about a dozen that have pretty much sat at 3-4 feet tall for several years. Fairly well taken care of and fertilized. They just do not grow.
You sent me some of those bean seeds years ago but as my clearcut grew up the trees shaded out all those sites.
I love seeing updates in this thread. Here in SE Kansas, I’ve found nothing that even comes close to the survival rate of dco’s. In our third year of growing them we’re at about 90% survival rate, with no care whatsoever. We just stick seedlings in the ground and let them go. I can’t wait to start seeing acorns in the years to come like you guys!
Jealous of everyone’s DCOs. Got some seeds last year but only got 2-3 to take. Looks like everyone is going to have a heck of a year for nuts!
I am new to this game, but I am looking at planting some DCOs on my farm in Kentucky, when I get home from Iraq. I planted some Sawtooth "Gobbler" Oaks before I left in late spring of this year.
So with all that being said, I have a couple questions:
1. What month/timeframe does these acorn's usually drop?
2. I have beef cattle on my farm, so should I do anything special to keep the cows out of them?
3. Do you guys have any suggestions for another type of "fast growing & fast producing" oak tree for deer hunting?
I am new to this game, but I am looking at planting some DCOs on my farm in Kentucky, when I get home from Iraq. I planted some Sawtooth "Gobbler" Oaks before I left in late spring of this year.
So with all that being said, I have a couple questions:
1. What month/timeframe does these acorn's usually drop?
2. I have beef cattle on my farm, so should I do anything special to keep the cows out of them?
3. Do you guys have any suggestions for another type of "fast growing & fast producing" oak tree for deer hunting?

The acorns drop in early September in northern MO.

Cows are a pain IMO when it comes to young oaks and they’re going to eat them.

Swamp white oaks grow extremely fast and produce acorns young.

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