In the past I owned a 217 acre tract for 11 years. I improved on it quite a bit from what it had been. It was about 50/50 lowland and upland and the hogs loved it. I had deer, some good bucks from time to time (for East Texas) but since it was mine, I found myself spending too much time and money on it. Especially money !
I joined a lease twice as close to home anticipating selling my place and a couple years later I did. I have fewer deer on the lease I think, but better bucks for the most part. Five of us pay $500 a year for approximately 350 acres. Two members don’t hunt much, so the three of us that do virtually have most of the season to ourselves. We split the cost of the little food plotting we are able to do, and I furnish the tractor, implements, and driver
Altogether, it’s very affordable and I’m satisfied with the arrangement, especially in light of the fact that my best friend, his son, his son’s lifelong friend, and another friend of mine are the members. We are not all on the same page on management, but we’re close. My best friend and I won’t shoot does, because we feel like we don’t need to. We also encourage the others to only take 3.5 year old or older bucks, but the lease is in one guy’s name, and it ain’t me !
I’m rambling a little, but my example is about the least you’re gonna pay for a lease in Texas. The average would probably fall in the $10/$12 an acre range. The top end will be somewhere in the $20’s per acre year for big deer, multiple bucks, amenities, etc. for low fence places. For high fence places, there may not be a limit. I’ve seen some godawful $$$ thrown about for leases on high fence places. But......if you have limited time, unlimited money, and a yen for a monster freak on your wall........