You gotta love a field of crimson clover in all its glory. This a 13 acre field I'll plant in sunflowers for doves shortly.The field was originally planted at least 5 or 6 yrs ago..maybe longer, and I've done nothing to it except let it go to seed. No fertilizer or amendments of any kind for many many years. The clover feeds the sunflowers and all is well.
Interestingly, the flood waters around our property have just receded . This entire field looked like someone had run a weed eater thru it. When crimson is growing I have found it to be a preferred cultivar and having this field certainly helped with many deer pushed on reduced acreage. Crimson is a great short duration winter early spring cultivar and makes a great companion plant with small grains etc. as well.

Interestingly, the flood waters around our property have just receded . This entire field looked like someone had run a weed eater thru it. When crimson is growing I have found it to be a preferred cultivar and having this field certainly helped with many deer pushed on reduced acreage. Crimson is a great short duration winter early spring cultivar and makes a great companion plant with small grains etc. as well.