Building a land leveler

Double L

Well-Known Member
Well looking at improvements to plots. Mine our not smooth as I would like. Thinking of better seed contact if I get them better. Thinking of making a heavy duty 3 pt drag maybe 9’ wide with several blade maybe 6” High to take High spots and fill in low points. I built a root/rock rake which is nice but doesn’t level enough for me. I’ll post picture of it and it working. Anyone have some good input??

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That root/rock rake looks bulletproof. Have you been satisfied with how it removes rocks? We have no shortage of old rocky pastures on my place.
If the soil is dry it does a good job. slower the better. about 1 1/2 mph. Its home made but works well. all are plots are made in rocky sides of hills. I do believe the rocks help to keep the soil warm.. LOL theramal heat banks.
I've got a nine foot three point scraper blade that I pull with a sixty five hp tractor. I have good results leveling fields with setting the blade at zero angle and just letting it float along behind the tractor, it ends up carrying a little bit of dirt along that falls in the low spots. If I keep going back over the uneven areas they get as flat as a table top. It tends to load up with sticks and stones sometimes, then I'll just run to the edge of the field and lift it while driving. I run at a relatively fast mid-range speed.
Building a leveler is an interesting project. I think a pull behind leveler blade mounted on a hay wagon frame midway between the two axles might work better than a three point hitch mounted one. Lengthen the distance between the axles would maybe be even better. Thinking of the same principle as a quality hand plane. The longer space it bridges the more it levels rather than digs.
Building a leveler is an interesting project. I think a pull behind leveler blade mounted on a hay wagon frame midway between the two axles might work better than a three point hitch mounted one. Lengthen the distance between the axles would maybe be even better. Thinking of the same principle as a quality hand plane. The longer space it bridges the more it levels rather than digs.
You are thinking correctly, and your design would make a good road grader, but that rig would be a bit overkill for fields, and the logistics of making it and storing would be prohibitive. A three point blade will level a field very nicely, the key being a wider, heavier blade, and let it float, it will level the field mostly by itself, although in low dips I will sometimes lift the blade to dump the dirt that's being carried along. In a very rough area I often just keep circling and cover the area numerous times with the blade until it's leveled to my liking. As you move loose dirt to lower spots and gullies sometimes you need to run over numerous times, compacting it with the tractor wheels to stabilize the soil, and keep going over it again until it's satisfactory for a decent planting bed.
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this was a small plot. 3/4 acre. I had 16 hours in making it. Befor and after pictures. I just got all my parts cut for my land leveler. I went with 4 shaving blades spaced over 4 ‘ It’s going to be 8’ wide with two 3’ hyd wings to make it 14’ wide. Hopefully I’ll be able to test it this weekend. I’ll let you know how it works.

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mocking up center drag section. Adding 3’ side wings hopefully get to try it out this weekend

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well the first test with gravel in my lot worked good. I’ll try it tonight on the real thing.

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. The pictures don’t really show the results very good but the plot got much smoother. Get some paint on it and I can call this project done. If any one wants to build one I’ll gladly give you any advice from this one.

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Wow! That's a piece of work right there. Only other guy I know that builds his own implements is Whiskeybent on here. He's got a set of offset disc harrows he built that his great-great grandchildren will be using. Looks like you leveler will be in use for several generations as well. Great job!
Wow! That's a piece of work right there. Only other guy I know that builds his own implements is Whiskeybent on here. He's got a set of offset disc harrows he built that his great-great grandchildren will be using. Looks like you leveler will be in use for several generations as well. Great job!
. Well thank you sir. I’m very luck to own a manufacting shop so these projects our a little easier for me to do than most. This works so well I may see about making this one to sell. Now that I can get my plots smooth I’m gonna make me a 9’ crop roller.
That's an impressive rig for sure! And a very nice fabrication job as well. Did you consider putting a patent on it and selling the design to John Deere?
That's an impressive rig for sure! And a very nice fabrication job as well. Did you consider putting a patent on it and selling the design to John Deere?
I have never had any luck with the patent thing before. this works great but I dont know how many people would be interested in buying one. I figured there is not many other dumb people trying to make fields on sides of hills in rocks with out much soil. Locale guys laugh and say there was a reason no one made fields there before. LOL
I have never had any luck with the patent thing before. this works great but I dont know how many people would be interested in buying one. I figured there is not many other dumb people trying to make fields on sides of hills in rocks with out much soil. Locale guys laugh and say there was a reason no one made fields there before. LOL
Your soil looks a lot like mine in Huntingdon county. A lot of shale but no big rocks. I've got to be careful not to till anything on more than a ten percent grade or it will give a washout and all the topsoil will wash away. Notill really works well in that kind of dirt. How many acres of plots do you have?