Buckwheat 2.0


Well-Known Member
8675A7CA-7984-4011-A578-104C626B30BF.jpeg So....instead of adding to an old thread I started a new one to ask a couple questions. I looked at my buckwheat plot this morning and it’s heavy in bloom and I see quite a few seeds. If this little plot were yours, would you let in go until you’re prepared to plant WR or ? in September, or would you disc it in and try for another crop of buckwheat ? (we probably won’t get much rain until fall) If the latter, would you mow it first ? Or would you do something completely different ?

I’m all ears !:)
I’m jealous! My first buckwheat plot failed. I agree, I’d disc it in for another crop. Depending on your location, the timing should be perfect for Labor Day fall planting, assuming you get some rain.
I’d disk it in and go for a second crop of buckwheat.

Cutman, why ?

More OM for the soil ? Does BW add nutrients ?

I don’t think I could get in two crops of BW where I am- zone 4, too wet until June.

I’m a fan of BW, but am trying a common birdseed mix as a cover crop this summer. Millet,milo,wheat and sunflowers, and is 1/2 the price of BW per pound. I’ll probably spray it early August, hoping to plant brassicas before labor day. I just like to keep something growing as long as I can.

Thanks- Rusty

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I'd let it go to seed and then mow, kind of like a throw and mow or just let it reseed itself. Buckwheat seed will sprout just laying on the ground.
I'd let it go to seed and then mow, kind of like a throw and mow or just let it reseed itself. Buckwheat seed will sprout just laying on the ground.

This is a very small plot, the deer ate very little of it, but they did nip some tops. The bees are enjoying it so much that I think that I will just let it go until it does whatever it’s gonna do. It’s kind of an experiment anyway, along with two others that we planted on our deer lease. This one at home turned out better than the others though. If our summers weren’t so hot and dry, I might try for the other crop. If I had planted earlier I know I would have, but our wet spring looks like it’s over. Thanks guys, for your thoughts.
Cutman, why ?

More OM for the soil ? Does BW add nutrients ?

I don’t think I could get in two crops of BW where I am- zone 4, too wet until June.

I’m a fan of BW, but am trying a common birdseed mix as a cover crop this summer. Millet,milo,wheat and sunflowers, and is 1/2 the price of BW per pound. I’ll probably spray it early August, hoping to plant brassicas before labor day. I just like to keep something growing as long as I can.

Thanks- Rusty

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Buckwheat grows and matures so quickly, but once it’s through with its lifecycle there isn’t much benefit of it (other than birds love the seeds). However, while it’s growing it:

1) attracts pollinators
2) suppresses weeds
3) mines nutrients
4) provides browse for deer (though it’s not a preferred food source for me)

It’s still early July, so that’s 2 months until it’s time to plant a fall plot. I’d rather have live buckwheat during that time than dead buckwheat.