I break it up into two categories, stuff that leaches, and stuff that doesn't.
Leachables: Nitrogen, sulfur, boron
I put them on when I need them. That may be two weeks after planting, or for the lesser leachables like boron and sulfur, simply once per year, and same time each year thereafter.
Non-leachables: Everything else
Best time was a year ago. In all reality, I've pushed high rates of fertilizer all at once in a broadcast situation right along with seeding and didn't see any issues with burning. Lots of potash, some AMS, and MAP. Never had a problem.
I learned a lot about tree fertility last year. I had no idea that next year's nut and fruit production is already being influenced in August and September of the year before. So that means I will put down gypsum and borax at early summer planting time. Gives it plenty of time to get rained in before things start winding down for the season. Then by the time they need it to finish next year's crop, they'll get another shot.