Here are my bench grafting took some almost four weeks to bud out....
I plan to pant these this fall. Right now they are in root pouch bags.
Puggernut Crabapple (Fish) 4/4
Golden Hornet Crabapple (GRIN) 2/2
Ralph Shay Crabapple (GRIN) 1/1
Lemon Drop Crabapple (Fish) 6/7
September Sun Crabapple (Fish) 1/3
Centurion Crabapple (GRIN) 1/1
Kerr Crabapple (GRIN) 0/1
Centennial Crabapple (GRIN) 1/2
Terry Winter Apple (local) 1/1
Bradley's Seedling Apple (local) 1/1
Limbertwig Apple (local) 1/1
TOTAL 19/24