Sept 14th.
I am in the home stretch now. So after a few more hours running the disc I was finally ready to spread some Urea. Of course the weatherman said 50% chance of rain and we received NADA.
Here is the first 100lbs ready to go down. I am embarrassed to say that about 100 feet into the first run I looked back and the spreader was on its side and the entire contents was on the ground. I elected not to take picture and was not going to tell you guys as I felt I would spare myself some ribbing, but I tell you now because not long after there was another accident, so I figured what the heck.
First run of Rye going down, and going down hard. Thankfully we do not need insurance to run a spreader or I would be in the "assigned risk pool" and paying massive rates.
and we are over, just like last year.
I did my best to clean it up with my hands and a plastic cup.
The first field of Oats went fine, but given the other two fields were narrow it would be all up and down runs so I elected to spread the oats via my hand held SOLO spreader. It was exercise, hated it.
In anticipation of rain I ran the disc to cover all the fert, rye and oats in , and then hooked up the packer and ran it until dark, but did not finish it all.
Just in case anyone is still looking for rocks I have plenty. As always they are free, and the best part is you get to pick your own so you are assured that you only get the good ones.