
Well-Known Member
Ok all I am very upset with QDMA still. I know they have great sponsors, size, etc.

However, would it be possible for an organization to come along and compete with them directly? I know QDM has lost a lost of followers due to over harvesting does agenda they pushed so hard for so long.

So what do you think? Could a group get started to compete? What could set them apart? More focus on reading your land vs. generalizing biological ideologies for an entire nation and telling people to apply to their land?
I guess anything is possible. But, I don't see it happening. Let's just assume there's a viable need. Everybody agrees on objectives and mission. Now there's a need for a monumental organizing and fund rasing campaign just to get the thing off the ground. It's got to come out of the gate BIG to get the attention of a few. In today's world constituenticies are splintered. Here we are, all playing nice on the Deer Hunter Forum, but if we got down into it, I'd bet our differences are significant. There's nothing wrong with that. And, where, I'm going is to suggest smaller, niche groups might have a better chance of succeeding.

I'm circling back to the "big" national groups. Look at the money they take in and the money they put out to actually support their missions? What percent is it compared to administrative costs? The big names with big hats and big suits need to be paid. Maybe local is less ego involved?
All of their competition, other nonprofits DU, NWTF, PF are a long ways ahead as organizations. As far as the whitetail world I know a local Whitetails Unlimited chapter does a lot of good on the local level. Not sure what WU national mission statement looks like?
Possible yes, very difficult however. Running a non-profit ain't easy and to get one off the ground to compete directly with QDMA would be extremely difficult, monetarily speaking they are a successful non-profit with chapters around the nation, it would be hard to get to that level.
I just wonder if there isn't a niche that would appease more outdoors man than what they are currently doing. I know a TON of guys in Ohio who are big time deer hunters, I don't think of them has ever used the words QDM to me. I know it wouldnt be easy and I am not saying I am going to start anything just been thinking about it as of recent.

What if we had something that stood out for deer hunters......period. Talk about biology, food plots, trees, etc. Don't talk about one protocol vs. the next. Don't lean towards bow over gun hunting etc. Keep it broad but truly try to work to support hunters. Make it a goal to reach ou to local ODNR to try to help with different projects. Same with local AG/wildlife schools within states. I think that would be one darn cool organization.

QDM to me has got a bit to big for their britches. They have pushed agendas that have upset a ton of people, they toot a select fews horn who are in the loop. Everyone else isn't as good of hunters, biologist, land owners, etc. At least that is the feeling I have gotten from some of the QDM leadership.
Out of a Movement come organizations. Sometimes that can be good, sometimes not so much so. But if you keep a movement of education of the masses, just one person at a time, it can have amazing results. Just in my state this past year there was a push to manage for more mature deer since many saw what an improvement in just couple poor hunting years, resulting in more bucks surviving past the 2.5 bracket. So the education can occur, with or without an org, and gradually affect us all. Remember, it was just a couple decades ago that to kill a doe when needed or pass a buck was unheard of. Now becoming more common.
I think local level is best too. I have never seen anything done in my area by any of the big name organizations. We have a bunch of local conservation groups and sportsmanship clubs that make a difference. All the national groups have big fundraisers but not too many in our area benefit from them.
Ok all I am very upset with QDMA still. I know they have great sponsors, size, etc.

However, would it be possible for an organization to come along and compete with them directly? I know QDM has lost a lost of followers due to over harvesting does agenda they pushed so hard for so long.

So what do you think? Could a group get started to compete? What could set them apart? More focus on reading your land vs. generalizing biological ideologies for an entire nation and telling people to apply to their land?

It is very possible. If you build a better mouse trap you will be successful. I have advised and represented a lot of non-profits over the years, including some of the ones identified in this thread and they all have similar shortcomings once they get to a certain size.
I think your best bet is to start local and see where it goes from there. If I recall that is how QDMA got started. To some extent QDMA is regional - they have 3 chapters in my entire state! I see no issues with QDM - IF you follow it. I think lots of folks got lazy and forgot some of the other portions of herd monitoring. Look at the principles of QDM and they are hard to argue against and they are practical as far as I am concerned. The only thing I don't like about QDM is it's the first 3 letter of a 4 letter organization that I no longer care for!

As far as implementing true change - look to Brooks and his crew in MN - that's how you affect real change. I don;t have all the details and all the history - all I know is that they tried different routes and finally realized they would have to grab the bull by the horns themselves and since then have managed to make some progress.

Action creates change. Start small and allow it to grow, if you have something it will grow all on it's own.....and besides you have all of us for support!
First question: what do you see as the benefit of an organization like QDMA? Second question: if you believe the QDMA has value, then why do you want to compete with them? Disclosure: I never have joined QDMA but was on the forum for many years.
First question: what do you see as the benefit of an organization like QDMA? Second question: if you believe the QDMA has value, then why do you want to compete with them? Disclosure: I never have joined QDMA but was on the forum for many years.

1. I believe in the benefit of unifying hunters. I believe in the benefit of promoting practices not based on agenda but based on facts/science. I believe in forming a group that would be focused on soil health, tree planting, introduing youths/non hunters, focusing on the niche group, that is large/small land owners who truly believe working the land, planting trees, passing young deer, is making a difference on their deer herd. There is so much more to this one but I will stop here just cause I think you get the point.

2. I am sure that many folks thought the first mouse trap every built had value, that was until the better mouse trap was created...... We live in a capitalist economy. No one group should have complete control over a given sector of the market. Now this tends to get more tricky because we are talking about non profits, but lets look at QDMA. They have gotten so large, that they cut out group of HUNTERS/LANDOWNERS from their ranks because.........?? Where do we all go? There is NOT one other organization that is doing what QDMA is doing, at least not doing it well. No one has started a group that is just for guys who own farms, want to make them better, and share ideas. We were lucky to have a few guys make this forum, but this isn't exactly an organization for folks to join.

QDMA has not done very much to impress me over the years. Yes they have a nice Facebook page and website. I love the forum but outside of that I do NOT see a large presence of them in the MIDWEST ( OH Specifically).

I am not planning on starting an organization as I am too busy with my job currently. However, if I had the time, money, and a few good biologists, I believe I could build something that would be much more directly focused on the niche market that QDMA focused on when they started.
No one has started a group that is just for guys who own farms, want to make them better, and share ideas. We were lucky to have a few guys make this forum, but this isn't exactly an organization for folks to join.
If such an organization did exist, what would be their goal? Why would people join ($$$) such an organization?

Not trying to be a dick, just asking.
If such an organization did exist, what would be their goal? Why would people join ($$$) such an organization?

Not trying to be a dick, just asking.

To pay me....I'm a nice guy (sarcasm)

Easy bud, you'd set up a business plan that explains how your profit sharing would work. Every organization has one. You would promote the brand. Just like the rest of the organizations out in the world. Sell the brand and idea.
Until that better mousetrap comes along, my membership stays with QDMA. They're not perfect, i understand that. Perhaps they have pushed for the wrong thing at times. If someone directs me to an organization doing more for whitetails, i will support them as well.
Maybe i dont get down into the weeds of the organization like some of you and would feel otherwise if i did.
I am happy with their efforts around CWD.
Until that better mousetrap comes along, my membership stays with QDMA. They're not perfect, i understand that. Perhaps they have pushed for the wrong thing at times. If someone directs me to an organization doing more for whitetails, i will support them as well.

I am happy with their efforts around CWD.

Could you let me know what it is QDMA does for whitetails, and what their efforts are around CWD?
I can not support an organization that is or would be willing to take thousands and thousands of hours and good intent to educate (with truth), good land stewardship, by some of the best stewards there are, across the country, freely given, and be willing to "willie nillie" flush it all down the toilet, because it don't fit there business model. (or whatever)??? Then ask for donations or memberships???o_O
Not for me!!! Thank you!
I can not support an organization that is or would be willing to take thousands and thousands of hours and good intent to educate (with truth), good land stewardship, by some of the best stewards there are, across the country, freely given, and be willing to "willie nillie" flush it all down the toilet, because it don't fit there business model. (or whatever)??? Then ask for donations or memberships???o_O
Not for me!!! Thank you!

Exactly. If there was a club that got togther all the time to drink Coca Cola, talk about Coca Cola, share ideas how to make Coca Cola better, etc. Then Coca Cola said "y'all can't do that anymore" I bet a lot of those people would start drinking Pepsi.

Maybe not the best analogy but you get my point. Where is our Pepsi?