All my point is
I would rather have good deer population and browse line than low deer and no browse line for my deer hunting land. I can always plant more food and Norway spruce for cover.
There is a reason good 40's don't last long in Waupaca county and land values are plumuleting up north where there is no problem regen oaks.
Until you turn the deer in on it...I've never complained about the browse line. I only have 2 forties with it. I am doing the fence for fun and an experiment, it very interesting. Plus if it works I am going to seriously improve the bedding and diversity for the deer.
Okie - we will not do this till the oaks are above the browse line and will survive. I've seen these fences areas. The stem count is amazing. I am planting clusters of norways for bedding sites inside.Until you turn the deer in on it...
In your experience, do you think that game is more playable in ag land where more food is available to sustain a false high population?
Problem is my 90 is just a 90 and I am ringed with hunting camps that are mainly 10 acres apiece. I have not been able to identify any matriarchal does because they don't last long enough with all of the pressure. With firearms does are legal for 38 days every fall/winter and legal from October 1 to January 15th with bow.Sure Doug these are the areas where deer have the potential to even make 150 generally speaking.
Okie you illustrate my main point nicely, leave the matriarchal hierarchy in place to achieve balance and social cohesion. You probably have one dominant doe with her two fawns controlling your whole 80 during fawning season.
If Bull took 80 acres and declared it his hunting ground and made the rest of the property family recreation, put his clover plots back in, designated sanctuary, and allowed a dominant doe to control that 80 as her fawning territory he would be seeing dominant bucks in the fall.
Iowa illustrates my numbers game theory nicely. Generous doe tags, late rifle season, plus outbreaks of EHD have caused a population decline to the point where the tv stars have been reduced to poaching to make their tv show.
Problem is my 90 is just a 90 and I am ringed with hunting camps that are mainly 10 acres apiece. I have not been able to identify any matriarchal does because they don't last long enough with all of the pressure. With firearms does are legal for 38 days every fall/winter and legal from October 1 to January 15th with bow.
What I think causes the great buck hunting is big woods (out of sight) and plenty of food in those woods with very few mouths to feed. 150" can grow here without AG.
My place is just about exactly opposite of your old place in were in ag country and was creating sanctuary and some food with your 80 and was surrounded by AG. My place is all big woods surrounded by more big woods. I am creating thicker cells throughout and offering some foods the deer can't get anywhere else. Acorns are king and we are going to be loaded down with them this year...
Bullwinkle probably would turn his nose up at this place because of not seeing 20 - 60 deer a sitting but myself I would rather see 1 or 2 a day if the ones I see are sure enough shooters than watch 20 - 60 I would never even consider shooting. When we are looking for meat only we drive over to home 10 and wack does in the high class browse line area where we can see 20 - 60 a sitting. I wish the neighbors there would kill more!!!
I recalled an aerial photo of your place and seems as it was AG across the highway...maybe I am mistaken...No, my 80 was more like your 90 than not. My 80 was 80 acres on a block of 3500 acres of ridge and ravine pasture land. I delineated my boundaries, fixed native habitat, brought sunlight to the ground, provided food plots, provided sanctuary, kept hunting pressure low, and let Queenie guard the place, much like you have done. Rest assured that the dominant does survive on your place just as the dominant bucks do that you get to see and hunt year after year.
Come on George, you know the attraction on your place was really the AO you were row cropping. I miss your movies.Ya there are a couple of hay fields across the road but not much like J-birds place. When my turnips ran out most bucks headed for the beans off block to the west.
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