We seem to have more darker color antlered bucks showing up the last few years. I'm not sure why? Maybe a genetic trait? I've always liked the darker horns.
Darker horns are awesome, I always thought it was associated with age, and maybe amount of daylight activity. More time in the shade = less bleached out antler?
We seem to have more darker color antlered bucks showing up the last few years. I'm not sure why? Maybe a genetic trait? I've always liked the darker horns.
Maybe, but we’ve had those in abundance for many years around here. Our oldest shot a buck in early September of ‘14 that had a dark rack with dry velvet still hanging from it. He hadn’t had time to stain his antlers yet.
They are different colors depending usually if they rub on a tree such as cedar or pine.Alot of times they get lighter as the year progresses because they rub some of the velvet stain off as it bleaches some in the sun light also.The velvet color lightens soon after it sheds velvet.If you shoot one right out of velvet it is a different brown than after they rub on sappy trees