Well-Known Member
Most exciting turkey hunt ever!!
Last night I hot glued an old plastic decoy stake to a dried turkey fan. Looks horrible
This ole bird just doesn’t talk gobbling only one time when he flew off roost. Wanted nothing to do with my calling or my Jake ready to breed a hen decoy setup. He’d went by twice about 75 yards away. So when he got around the corner this time I picked up my new fan and went to the corner. He was a good 100 yards down the two track road balled up. I bellies crawled behind that fan until about 70 yards out when he noticed my intruder, came out of strut and ran all the way to me. As soon as he came out of strut I stuck the stack in the ground and got my gun up just beside the fan and could barely keep the dot on him as he was running so fast to whoop my ass. Finally shot him within 10 steps. 24 lbs 11 1/4 beard 1 1/4 spurs
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Last night I hot glued an old plastic decoy stake to a dried turkey fan. Looks horrible

This ole bird just doesn’t talk gobbling only one time when he flew off roost. Wanted nothing to do with my calling or my Jake ready to breed a hen decoy setup. He’d went by twice about 75 yards away. So when he got around the corner this time I picked up my new fan and went to the corner. He was a good 100 yards down the two track road balled up. I bellies crawled behind that fan until about 70 yards out when he noticed my intruder, came out of strut and ran all the way to me. As soon as he came out of strut I stuck the stack in the ground and got my gun up just beside the fan and could barely keep the dot on him as he was running so fast to whoop my ass. Finally shot him within 10 steps. 24 lbs 11 1/4 beard 1 1/4 spurs

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