Year 5 on WI imperial clover

This is a picture of my clover plot planted 5 years ago. Its a trail cam picture so quality might not be the best. Plot is still going strong! starting to see some grasses in places now but that's to be expected since I haven't used any herbicides at all. Just wondering how much longer you would let it go before turning it over and replanting?


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If your just now seeing "weeds" - as long as you address can go several more years yet. No need to start over for the sake of starting over. The clover doesn't get "old" or the like. Once you have more weeds than clover....then it's time to start thinking about starting over.
If you mow the weeds before they flower, spray a grass specific herbicide when needed, use 2,4-DB or rapter on the weeds ..... a white clover plot could go for decades. You can maintain it ... or plant something else, you decide whats best for you. ;)
You will never get rid of clover in that plot, LOL. You've got a great seed bank built up in there, that should keep on producing. Broadcast some cereal rye or winter wheat in there this fall, to eat up a little nitrogen and add a little variety, then use clethodim + crop oil next spring, to clean up the grasses.
In any event, nope, you can just broadcast it and you'll get it to grow. No need to scratch up anything. Do you plan to mow again, before fall?
You will never get rid of clover in that plot, LOL. You've got a great seed bank built up in there, that should keep on producing. Broadcast some cereal rye or winter wheat in there this fall, to eat up a little nitrogen and add a little variety, then use clethodim + crop oil next spring, to clean up the grasses.


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Are you adding any P and K to the plot? I did a soil test of my clover plot after a few years and the P and K levels had dropped to the point of needing an application.
I haven’t done a test in 2 years now, last test I did it was down a bit. I added the needed fertilizer then and put down another 800 lbs of lime to maintain the ph. Soil here is very acidic, started at 4.5

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