I haven't done an update for a while - mainly because I'm finished deer hunting for the year, and I've been so busy with my real job that I've not had time to do any habitat work. Really, its better for me to wait until spring to start habitat work anyway.
Food plots are not a big deal in my area, because there are plenty of native foods, but I do love plots and I can testify that they make a difference on my place in hunting season. Below is a pic of the best looking plot left as of today. Nice to have this much green at Christmas time. This is mostly cereal grains but there is a little clover in it.
We still have plenty of acorns on the ground as well. This is where a road goes around the edge of my woods. These are chestnut oak acorns and they are still in good shape.
This is vining honeysuckle on the south side of a fence row where it gets good sunlight. Here it is climbing on the lower limbs of a mature red cedar. This is eaten heavily at this time of year, but there is so much of it the low number of deer in this country can't keep up with it.
I noticed this trail today through the switchgrass. This is a primary entry and exit point for deer on the south side of my place.
Lots of trees rubbed this year. The one below will probably survive with some scars, but many won't make it.
This scrape is still being worked pretty hard. I watched deer come to this frequently during season.
This is how my family celebrates Thanksgiving. We do our part to help make America great again.
I wanted to post some pics here that I had in another thread about my buck that returned after being gone 3 years. I won't repeat it here, but for anyone interested, the story is in a thread under the deer hunting section.
This is the deer that had been on my place for at least 4 years that I let go during season. He made a bad mistake and got himself run over by a car less than a mile away just a few days ago.
I did a 3 hour predator hunt in the rain this morning from my nice and dry blind. Saw no predators but this magnificent buck came by for an up close visit.
Most NWSGs still standing tall on Christmas Eve. There is one field which is mostly big blue that has gone down some, but still pretty good.
Of course, however, could we be planting the wrong native grass? How about this native grass - that is an evergreen and provides dense cover. Hmmmmmmm............got you wondering now...................that's right - a native grass that's green on Christmas Eve....
Merry Christmas everyone!