Winter 2019 trapping finally begins...

if it was on dog proofs it could be mice, I like to use the coon grabbers in the bottom of my dog proofs or I put a big marshmallow at the bottom so they cant pick it clean. If I have a mouse problem I use the caps on my dog proofs. Coons pull them right off to get to the bait.

I use mini marshmallows and I put a few around the dog proofs. They got the ones around it but not the ones in it...
if it was on dog proofs it could be mice, I like to use the coon grabbers in the bottom of my dog proofs or I put a big marshmallow at the bottom so they cant pick it clean. If I have a mouse problem I use the caps on my dog proofs. Coons pull them right off to get to the bait.

A golf ball works well.
I've caught 16 yotes so far, they are bringing desccent money, $20-30. Coons $3-$5. Not going to get rich, but I feel better selling them, than chucking them in a ditch.

That is the problem here in south AR - the fur buyers wont buy 1/2 of them - only large and bigger - average price last year $1.05.

Plus, when trapping primarily to improve nest success - the closer to nesting season you trap, the less time for more animals to move back in. Fur isnt worth anything when trapped in Mar, Apr, and May
Talked with a local who averaged $67/coyote last yr. Surprised the heck out of me, I would invest some time into that! He also said cats ranged from $15 -$100 which is low for what I figured they would be. I like seeing bobcats around so I usually release them if I happen to get one. With such low coon prices they are trapped just to help nester's.
A golf ball works well.

I used this trick some, a tin can or solo cup will keep the mice out too. My coons usually end up as tree fertilizer, last guy I used to sell furs too closed up shop a couple of years back. Hard to teach kids to trap and skin for a $1 or 2 per coon IF you can find someone to buy them. Still a needed part of management if you want any birds.
Got a young one in the backyard last night...


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Native, any signs of that huge cat from a couple years ago? Interested on how big that thing checks in.

No, I haven't seen him on camera this year. It makes me think he has died of old age or possibly changed ranges. Like you, I was hoping he could be trapped so that we could see how much he actually weighed. If he shows back up, I will post some pics.

PS: I actually saw him in person one time while deer hunting, but it wasn't season for cats.