Quick IN deer history:
1893 - last reported wild deer kill (Knox County)
1934-1942 - 296 deer purchased from other states (WI, MI, PA & NC) and stocked in IN
1943 - state wide deer population estimated at 900
1951 - first deer season in over 50 years (3 days)
1953-1955 111 deer released from ither states
1956 - deer trapping and relocation of 500 deer
1975 - deer harvest of 9,000
1985 - deer harvest of 32,000
1988 - deer harvest of 60,00+
1991 - deer harvest of 95,000+
1994 - deer harvest of 110,000+
1996 - deer harvest record of 123,000+
1997 thru 2003 - deer harvest holds steady at +/- 100,000
2004 thru 2007 - deer harvest holds steady at +/- 125,000
2008 thru 2012 - deer harvest holds steady at +/-130,000 (record in 2012 of 136,248)
2013 - begins harvest decline at 125,000+
2014 - harvest of 120,000+
2015 - harvest of 123,000+
2016 - harvest of 119,000+
2017 - harvest of 113,000+
Most Hoosier hunters I think are concerned about the rapid decline we are seeing and the lack of change in management policy within our DNR. For the most part our antlerless limits are the same as they where a decade ago.....the dynamic has changed, yet the management practices have not! Harvests grew from the most part from 110,000 and above for nearly 20 years and now we are at the starting point in a span of less than 5 years! I think it's safe to say the rising river has "crested".....time for a new plan!