What's for dinner???

You got that right, you're not done yet! You'll be fileting fish until midnight. But the end result should be tasty.

Actually, my buddy and I went with a guide and he cleaned the fish right there on the bank at the marina. I’m late to the crappie game, I’ve always been a bass fisherman and a catfisherman. We thought it smart to go with a couple different guides in order to learn fishing techniques and the use of Livescope, which is a forward facing sonar for those not familiar with it. With it you can find the trees or brushpiles, actually see the crappie hanging around and sometimes see your jig in the water. The way it’s mounted you can turn it in any direction to see what’s under the water. It’s a whole new ballgame to me. We learned a lot, especially from the last guide we went with. An example below. FF49A292-B1FD-417F-9A16-9B4B9BBCE834.jpeg
USDA prime plus, well marbled ribeye steak, freshly cut out of a ribeye roast and well seasoned over charcoal may be the best steak I've ever had.
A friend was practicing on us to get ready for a state level steak cook-off competition, and we were very willing taste testers.
Note the grill marks, one of the criteria they get judged by. In actual competition they would trim the beef before grilling.
Any idea how much the price per pound was on those bad boys ?

The local butcher had 1700 lbs that needed to be moved, sold half to one relative and half to another. My friend got 850 lbs in 21 lb plastic wrapped packages, and gave most of them to his employees. He refused to say what he gave for it, but said it was a deep discount. After making the steaks for us, he gave me 21 lbs. and we had a big steak party at work the next day.
It won’t be tonight, but probably this weekend.:) My buddy and I went with our favorite crappie guide today on Lake Fork, the nationally famous bass lake in N Texas. It’s about an hour and a half drive for us but boy is it rewarding ! We caught way more crappie weighing a pound and a half or two pounds than we did under one an a half. I think out of fifty crappie we measured thee or four. I’m the tall, handsome guy, my buddy Ronnie is the short, ugly guyo_O173A2F10-7477-4487-A0BD-B6BE6BD0CFE3.jpeg C28A5F5E-EF14-4240-9BC3-1CB5597550F6.jpeg
It won’t be tonight, but probably this weekend.:) My buddy and I went with our favorite crappie guide today on Lake Fork, the nationally famous bass lake in N Texas. It’s about an hour and a half drive for us but boy is it rewarding ! We caught way more crappie weighing a pound and a half or two pounds than we did under one an a half. I think out of fifty crappie we measured thee or four. I’m the tall, handsome guy, my buddy Ronnie is the short, ugly guyo_OView attachment 22816 View attachment 22818
I freaking love fried crappie! Bread em up and throw em in the fryer with sides of hush puppies, slaw, cheese grits and really good tarter sauce.
A few foodie pics from my cooks at the farm this past weekend. Everybody left full and happy, happy, happy! I was solo Friday night so teed up a "reduced for quick sale" huge ribeye that worked out pretty good for me.

Just Brooks and I were down Saturday morning. Followed up my doe harvest with a plate of southern goodness...biscuits, Tennessee Pride Hot Sausage gravy and topped with a couple of fried eggs.
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Saturday night the crew expanded so served up a heaping helping of white chili.
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Did a redo on Sunday morning after the hunt with sausage, egg n cheese biscuits.