Weed growing in clover/chicory plot


Staff member
After two very wet autumns, my clover/chicory plot is being overrun by this weed. Is it a sedge? Anything I can do to control it?




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Does it die off in the heat? If so it might be poa annua.

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I always preface my guess with a, "Gee! It's really hard to tell from the picture, but...." I think it's ryegrass of some variety...could be annual. That's a current picture, yes? Sedge wouldn't be that hearty now, I don't think. It's more a summer, hot season bugger.
It does seem to die off in the heat, but I don't believe it's poa annua. Pics don't match up with what I saw last year.

Assuming this matures to what I saw, it will turn a reddish colorlater in the spring and die off by summer.
Now I'm confused. The last picture sure looks like sedge. Are the blades triangular? Annual rygrass seed head is different. I guess it could be some other variety of ryegrass. I'm going to back away and let others weigh-in.
That stuff will take over a wetter or north facing plot down here in north Mississippi.
Gly will kill individual clumps if mixed strong.
Common name here is water grass.
I am going to try Basagran on some this spring.
I've used sedge hammer and basagran before for yellow nutsedge, but never in clover/chicory for this type of sedge. Is it safe in these circumstances? I read the label for sedge hammer and can't tell.
I've never sprayed it so can't help with any herbicide info from experience....

I see some of that stuff in my plots, but when my red clover and chicory get to growing well, they cover it up and shade it out most of the year....
I think it was Stu that had a saying something to the effect of "sedge's have edges" - as a way to help ID between a sedge and a grass. My experience is that sedge tends to like damp soils - now that may not be 100% true all the time, but at least on my place.....that seems to be the case.
Have you soil tested and fertilized your clover? I've seen clover do amazing things quickly with solid fertility. I'm talking weed smothering canopy before warm season grasses even think about taking a run at it.
Thanks for the replies. The soil has been extremely wet the last couple of years, and it has stayed moist despite very little rain this year. Soil moisture is still adequate because of the hurricane in October.

I will soil test this weekend and attempt to keep this weed from taking over by mowing. As far as I can tell, there are no herbicide options.