Throw N Mow thread...

Half inch fell Monday night at Bull Pen and Mandy Hollow. Hoping it sprouts some seed and some more falls in a week or so, but probably will just sprout and then die of thirst. My main food plots are outline in green. Prospects don't look good for next 10 days, but this came on a 10% day. Hope we all get some soon

I have one plot in a bottom about 150 yards from the house. Its a decent bow spot. I have a bunch of landscape black tubing that i got from work a few years back. I ran it down the road to the plot yesterday and put out a sprinkler. I'm on a well, so unless it pumps it dry no cost to this. At least i'll have one small plot that will be green for bow season.
Been a weird year for us with rain. I have enough very small timely rains to get things going and keep them alive but no good soakers. We were suppose to get up to 4" of rain last weekend and I received less than 1/2". Very heavy dews in the morning are helping keep everything alive also. More chances early next week so us Okies will be praying.

I have one plot in a bottom about 150 yards from the house. Its a decent bow spot. I have a bunch of landscape black tubing that i got from work a few years back. I ran it down the road to the plot yesterday and put out a sprinkler. I'm on a well, so unless it pumps it dry no cost to this. At least i'll have one small plot that will be green for bow season.

I am doing the same thing......except my plot is uphill so very little well water pressure when it gets there. I can turn it on at the well, jump on 4wheeler, and be at the end of hose before the water gets there. Not even enough pressure to run a sprinkler, just nozzle spray.


And the deer are chowing down on it faster than I can grow it.

My spray and throw/grow method failed on first attempt this year. Took 3 weeks to get a decent rain on it and the ground was dry when i threw the seed down.
Lesson i learned (ive had great success using this method in the past) is that moisture in the soil when starting can be critical if you dont get a soaking rain afterwards. Also, after 3 weeks, i suspect a lot of seed germinated with humid nights and dew and couldnt make a go in the dry ground.
I reseeded two days ago. Ground was moist and we managed two decent rainfalls in the last 36 hours. Hopefully its a go this time.
Oats, wheat, radish strip into native grass:

Clover, radishes, wheat, oats into sunflowers:

Mix into buckwheat. Lots of volunteer bw in this plot:

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I used to think I had to have the cleanest best looking plots, not any more. Uglier is better, deer don't care it was just for me. Looking good!
When I first started plotting I would walk the plots and had pluck any weed I found. A small patch of bermuda would stress me out. Then one day I noticed the deer were eating some of the weeds just as much as the food plot. Now I don't stress too much. My main plot is uglier then it has ever been since I have owned my place. However, there were 13 deer feeding in it tonight.
Well after fighting with myself I broke down and tried the T&M. After my early success with my first plot it was hard to try something different, but I keep telling myself it's a experiment. I sprayed about 1/2 acre on Friday, looks like a good kill started and we had about 1" rain last night so with the ground damp and rain forcasted for the next 2 days I broadcast 50#WR, 25# AWP, and 2# lidino clover and mowed. My brush hog wind rowed pretty bad so when I was done I raised it up and mowed the wind rows at a higher rpm it spread the thatch out nicely. Being my first time I am sceptical but I did notice the seed had fallen through to the moist ground below so I am hopeful.