Photo dump day. We got about a quarter inch of rain on the Massey, with a chance of some more this evening. Everything looks so green, it’s hard to believe how badly we’re hurting for rain, in regard to the time of year it is anyway. I almost deleted the pics and didn’t load them up, but I figured I’d be glad I did a few years from now.
Some lower barn plot pics first…
The throw and mow cereals, clover, and stuff into buckwheat last fall

The throw and mow from fall ‘20, this got a dose of clethodim a few weeks ago

A pic from a little further back, you can see where the clethodim did some work in the middle. You can see the brassicas are flowering, I’ll need to mow them down soon. They will be put to buckwheat in a month or so.

This is the old clover plot with cereals thrown in again last fall, I believe this is its 5th year. The yellowed spot near the back is where I spot sprayed some clethodim on some fescue.
I don’t know what it is about bermuda, but it must feel like a Serta mattress to deer. I’m not sure where this came from there's no bermuda on our place really, it’s about 15 yards from the plot in a low spot that was also ag ground years ago.

Some tree pics
The sawtooths from Catscratch are waking up

The crabapples from northern whitetail are looking great. Planted 2 years ago and I think I’ll let them fruit this year, unless you guys say I shouldn’t.


Pears from wildlife group planted last year looking good too

At least one of the oaks we planted this spring from wildlife group is gonna make it hopefully. An old pear planting didn’t make it a couple years ago.

One of those old pears that made it, still not sure what these are gonna turn in to. They will at least make something good to graff onto if nothing else.

The north waterway is looking better each year. We put 20 cedars in it years ago. They have a rough life when young, the deer rub them mercilessly. They are taking off now though. We’ve also put shrubs and oaks in there the last few years, with varying success.

Finally, the back plot is looking good, but some sedge looks to be sneaking in

one last pic, the farmer got corn in last week, I’d bet money there’s more bean seed in the field than corn. He never harvested last year with the drought. Could be an incredible 110 acre foodplot!