Taking out pigs


Well-Known Member
IMAG1221-100-1221.jpegIMG_0775.jpegIMG_0776.jpegMy buddy and lease mate has been baiting my pig trap for at least two months now. Mostly feeding coons and crows. As soon as I got up this morning I opened my iPad to check my emails…..I had 34, so I knew it was pigs in the trap. Total pigs trapped was 11, including 4 sows. The sows are important because at 2.5 litters a year, with 6/8 pigs being born, probably half or more living to adulthood, you can see where that goes. They are a scourge in our state and we can’t keep up, much less get ahead. This will help, but not much.
Lots of work, but lots of good meat! I'm sure glad we don't have that problem! ...yet...knock on wood
Are you going to butcher all of them? That makes my knife dull just thinking about butchering that many.
I think my buddy took two of them, probably the small ones. He and his son took care of that. The rest will feed coyotes, maybe give our fawns a break.
Our game department is trying to deal with it. We have several counties in the state where they have bene spotted. So far, my county has not reports.
I’ve heard there’s two kinds of land owners… one with feral pigs and another that will have feral pigs.
Everyone in East Texas has pigs. West and South Texas has them too, but in smaller numbers. It’s harder for them to make a living in dry country or rocky country.