Anyone have experience with these? Pros/cons? Will it pollinate with my kieffer pear? Cant find a whole lot of details on them other than basics but seems every place local has them for sale this year.
Out of a few pears picked for my location by Cummins, that is the only one I can say is doing good. I have lots of FB around to. I took some pics of it this weekend I will post when I get a chance. No pears yet, been in ground 4 years.
Here is the best pic I have. The tree is about 9'tall. I have learned that training pear trees is impossible. It had severe die back its first winter but that was the coldest winter on record. Every year I would cut the low branches off but it would produce two for every one I cut. Last year I decided to just let it grow how it wants and it has taken off.
Thanks! so fire blight isnt bothering it huh? Most sites say its super resistant and hardy, a few say its high susceptile, but theres very lil info out about it, hopefully would pollinate with my keiffer, may give it a try next yr.