Stone Branch, build it, they will come.

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Unit D is an18 acre ditch.

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The north slope I am just hacking and squirting the trees that need to be dead.

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Down in the ditch looking up at the opposite sunny slope my mind is working.

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I have an old skid trail up on the sunny slope that passes by my camp down below.

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Yesterday my saw was working. In the areas thick with maple and sourwood, I am clear cutting without chemical. I would like to turn as much area as possible into thick food and cover, managed by fire.

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Lots more to cut above.

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G. I have tried to go back through and find it but maybe have not gone back far enough

Can you remind me of the name of the program you are working through/with on your TSI?

I got back to work yesterday.

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I decided to whack the whole hill sunny side up to the top.

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No more pictures of the big 8pt that moved in prior to gun season. But I have lots of pictures of this guy who moved in during the first week of gun season.

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He is a looker.

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It looks like he might want to be a 12 pt next year.

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Gun season ended on the 26th.

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This guy seems to be using my property to stay alive. I was calling him 3 or 4 years old last year and calling him 4 this year. I picked up his right shed and measured him to be around 130" last year. He didn't put much more antler on this year but he will be old enough next year.

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Is Kentucky a 1 buck state? I’m going super low key the first week of rifle hoping neighboring pressure moves deer into my “sanctuary.” Sounds like your lack of pressure is having that effect for you.

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Is Kentucky a 1 buck state? I’m going super low key the first week of rifle hoping neighboring pressure moves deer into my “sanctuary.” Sounds like your lack of pressure is having that effect for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep, one buck. It doesn't take a huge area with food and cover to be a sanctuary. Good luck T-Man.

I probably have a dozen bucks running around the property right now.

George...Most of us, and particularly me, would have to put on our big boy pants just to try and follow you around for a day. I'd be done by noon. Hardest working man on the forum!

We're on cruise control down south. Just a little maintenance and tweaking here and there. Always enjoy catching up on your thread!
George...Most of us, and particularly me, would have to put on our big boy pants just to try and follow you around for a day. I'd be done by noon. Hardest working man on the forum!

We're on cruise control down south. Just a little maintenance and tweaking here and there. Always enjoy catching up on your thread!

Thanks for checking in TC. I require an internal push to get me started up the hill but once I'm there I sure have fun.

I pulled into day camp yesterday

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and looked up into the neighbor's tree stand over 100 yards away.

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So more hinge cutting was on the menu.

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Up to the top of the ridge.

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I made a 30 yard swath. On the inside of that I will be back to clear cutting my new food plot.

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