Been limited since marriage. ...oh you mean deer. Sorry. Yes, that too. 2 bucks (1 archery, 1 gun) number of does depends on the county. Also landowners with over 75 contiguous acres can take 1 more doe that non landowner.Are you still limited on the amount and sex of deer you can take?
Are you still limited on the amount and sex of deer you can take?
In Missouri you must have a permit but it comes at no cost. Nice perk and much appreciated.
C'mon down! We'll roll out the welcome mat for you. Good deer in North Missouri. Great land prices in SW Missouri. Taxes on bare land is just stupid cheap!MO is on the short list of places to buy.
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And we have to follow the same game laws as everyone FISH stated IN does.
And still put up with the same crappy statewide deer "management".And we have to follow the same game laws as everyone else.....
I dont mean to muddy up this thread, but my decision to not purchase a license this year and use my rightful landowner benefit is a direct result of what i consider terrible deer management by our state. Before this year, i bought a license because i figured the dnr needed money.And still put up with the same crappy statewide deer "management".![]()