Starting bare root trees


New Member
I had failure of my norways this year, I assume from drought and being tooo far away for me to water them. Can I start them in 5 gallon buckets this fall on the porch at home and grow them through next summer? SWMBO is against planting them in the back yard at home. Any other ideas?
Timnik, i understand your concern after a bad growing season. But i think i would plant again next spring and plan on summer moisture. Im not sure what you hope to accomplish with fall potting.
Timnik, i understand your concern after a bad growing season. But i think i would plant again next spring and plan on summer moisture. Im not sure what you hope to accomplish with fall potting.

Goal is to have trees at the farm. Trying to increase the odds of that happening. Don't know much about trees, so I am looking for suggestions to better my odds, rather than risking the same thing next year
I kept 6 Allegheny chinkapins bare root for a growing season in the backyard in 3 gal root pouches

Plan to move to field this fall

Hopefully this will convey a survival advantage

Is this similar to your plan?

Goal is to have trees at the farm. Trying to increase the odds of that happening. Don't know much about trees, so I am looking for suggestions to better my odds, rather than risking the same thing next year
I grow them in pouches by starting them in spring, usually from seed, but ive done some small transplants this way too. Grow them all summer and then plant in fall, or hold them over and plant in spring. Holding over requires care with freezing issues.
This has allowed me to plant vigorous trees with nice root systems. But, a droughty summer is still problematic.